
I'm experiencing some weird crashes when swallowing an FvwmScript in an FvwmButtons (which is then used in a Panel), most notably this started happening after having added a progress bar, everything worked fine before that, it also works fine when it's not being swallowed.

Fvwm outputs this:

FvwmApplet-Mpd2: Cause of next X Error.
   Error: 13 (BadGC (invalid GC parameter))
   Major opcode of failed request:  70 (PolyFillRectangle)
   Minor opcode of failed request:  0
   Resource id of failed request:  0x2c00091
 Leaving a core dump now

This always happens when I restart Fvwm and there's no way to get it to work again after that, it also mosttimes happens when starting Fvwm.

All relevant files can be found here: http://www.lair.be/files/error/
Specifically the core  dump:  http://www.lair.be/files/error/core
the where output from gdb:    http://www.lair.be/files/error/gdbOutput
and the script itself:              http://www.lair.be/files/error/FvwmApplet-Mpd2

If you need any further information just ask me, I'll be glad to provide everything I can

Yours sincerely

Bert Geens

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