On 6/14/05, Nick Fortune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'd like to see line numbers and function names instead of offsets.
> > Usually we get function names by compiling with '-g' which should
> > be the default.
> >
> > Perhaps you're not invoking gdb correctly?  Make sure
> > you point to the correct FvwmScript.
> tBD,
> Try
>         CFLAGS=-g emerge fvwm
> It's probably portage's make.conf defaults that are messing with gdb.
Well, that didn't work, apparently there's no standard way of doing
that, but Tavis told me the right way to do it:

  FEATURES="nostrip" CFLAGS="-ggdb3" emerge fvwm

Now I should havea 'good' coredump: http://www.lair.be/files/error/core
with the gdb where output:


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