On 6/12/05, Dan Espen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Bert 'theBlackDragon' Geens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hi,
> Hi.  Please don't send html to this list.

Whoops, sorry, expected gmail to send plain text by default, which it
doesn't it seems

> > I'm experiencing some weird crashes when swallowing an FvwmScript in an=20
> > FvwmButtons (which is then used in a Panel), most notably this started=20
> > happening after having added a progress bar, everything worked fine before=
> > =20
> > that, it also works fine when it's not being swallowed.
> What release of fvwm are you using?

That would be 2.5.12 from Gentoo portage.

> > Fvwm outputs this:
> >
> > FvwmApplet-Mpd2: Cause of next X Error.
> > Error: 13 (BadGC (invalid GC parameter))
> > Major opcode of failed request: 70 (PolyFillRectangle)
> > Minor opcode of failed request: 0=20
> > Resource id of failed request: 0x2c00091=20
> > Leaving a core dump now
> >
> > This always happens when I restart Fvwm and there's no way to get it to wor=
> > k=20
> > again after that, it also mosttimes happens when starting Fvwm.
> >
> > All relevant files can be found here: http://www.lair.be/files/error/
> > Specifically the core dump: http://www.lair.be/files/error/core
> > the where output from gdb: http://www.lair.be/files/error/gdbOutput
> > and the script itself: http://www.lair.be/files/error/FvwmApplet-Mpd2
> The stack trace doesn't seem to show anything.
> It looks like fvwm was built without debug symbols.
> If you could build it with debug symbols (the default)
> that would help.

Well I recompiled Fvwm with the 'debug' use flag, this got me a lot of
debug output and the crashes have become less regular, this time I got

10:32:28      0 [FVWM][My_XNextEvent]: <<DEBUG>> leaving My_XNextEvent
10:32:28      0 [FVWM][My_XNextEvent]: <<DEBUG>> Routine Entered
10:32:28      0 [FVWM][My_XNextEvent]: <<DEBUG>> waiting for module input/output
10:32:28      1 [FVWM][My_XNextEvent]: <<DEBUG>> calling HandleModuleInput
10:32:28      0 [FVWM][AddToCommandQueue]: <<DEBUG>> Nop
10:32:28      0 [FVWM][My_XNextEvent]: <<DEBUG>> executing module comand queue
10:32:28      0 [FVWM][EmptyCommandQueue]: <<DEBUG>> Nop
10:32:28      0 [FVWM][LOG]: M: Nop
10:32:28      0 [FVWM][My_XNextEvent]: <<DEBUG>> leaving My_XNextEvent
10:32:28      0 [FVWM][My_XNextEvent]: <<DEBUG>> Routine Entered
10:32:28      0 [FVWM][My_XNextEvent]: <<DEBUG>> waiting for module input/output
FvwmApplet-Mpd2: Cause of next X Error.
   Error: 13 (BadGC (invalid GC parameter))
   Major opcode of failed request:  70 (PolyFillRectangle)
   Minor opcode of failed request:  0 
   Resource id of failed request:  0x3600098 
 Leaving a core dump now
10:32:28      4 [FVWM][My_XNextEvent]: <<DEBUG>> calling KillModule
10:32:28      0 [FVWM][My_XNextEvent]: <<DEBUG>> executing module comand queue
10:32:28      0 [FVWM][My_XNextEvent]: <<DEBUG>> leaving My_XNextEvent

I uploaded the new coredump at the same location as the old one and
the gdb where output to http://www.lair.be/files/error/gdbOutput2 as
per Thomas Adam's directions.

> I tried running the FvwmScript module, but it looks like without
> mpc it won't do anything.
> I didn't see the part about FvwmButton swallowing FvwmScript.

I swallow it in an FvwmButtons like this:

DestroyModuleConfig mpd: *
*mpd: Geometry 360x77
*mpd: (Swallow "FvwmApplet-Mpd2" `FvwmScript
$[FVWM_USERDIR]/scripts/FvwmApplet-Mpd2 3`)

and then add it to a Panel:

*TopBar: (2x1, Title 'MPD', Panel(down, indicator, position button
top) mpd "Module FvwmButtons mpd")

This is the colorset used in the FvwmScript:

Colorset 3 NoShape, fg #990000, RootTransparent Buffer, Tint #ffffff 60

My entire config can be found here:

> Sometimes Fvwm modules crash because there is a ModulePath
> setting in the .fvwm2rc.  The can cause an old module to be
> run by a newer fvwm.  If you have a ModulePath setting,
> remove it, or read the man page and see how to add to it
> using "+".

I do have a ModulePath setting but I think it's set up as it should be:

ModulePath $[FVWM_USERDIR]/modules:$[FVWM_USERDIR]/modules/Fvwmpy-2.0:+

Bert Geens

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