"Bert 'theBlackDragon' Geens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On 6/14/05, Nick Fortune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I'd like to see line numbers and function names instead of offsets.
> > > Usually we get function names by compiling with '-g' which should
> > > be the default.
> > >
> > > Perhaps you're not invoking gdb correctly?  Make sure
> > > you point to the correct FvwmScript.
> >
> > tBD,
> >
> > Try
> >
> >         CFLAGS=3D-g emerge fvwm
> >
> > It's probably portage's make.conf defaults that are messing with gdb.
> >
> Well, that didn't work, apparently there's no standard way of doing
> that, but Tavis told me the right way to do it:
>   FEATURES=3D"nostrip" CFLAGS=3D"-ggdb3" emerge fvwm
> Now I should havea 'good' coredump: http://www.lair.be/files/error/core
> with the gdb where output:
> http://www.lair.be/files/error/gdbOutput

OK, the stack trace shows that the X error message
is being trapped by an error handler in FvwmScipt and then
FvwmScript is aborting.

So the real problem is this message;

   FvwmApplet-Mpd2: Cause of next X Error.
      Error: 13 (BadGC (invalid GC parameter))
      Major opcode of failed request:  70 (PolyFillRectangle)
      Minor opcode of failed request:  0
      Resource id of failed request:  0x2c00091

Oops, missed this message:

    Leaving a core dump now

If someone else wants to look at this, that's fine with me,
otherwise, I'll try to get to this later.

Dan Espen                           E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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