On Tue, Aug 14, 2007 at 09:15:21AM -0400, Dan Espen wrote:
> "seventh guardian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I must confess I'm not very fond of listen only modules. I believe it
> > is more of a hack than a long term solution to the "shell script
> > module" problem. And I would really like it removed, and for that the
> > sooner the better.
> > 
> > So I was messing around to see if it was really needed, and it's not. The 
> > pro
> > of:
> > 
> > run "Module FvwmCommandS"
> > 
> > create a simple bash script like this:
> > 
> > #!/bin/bash
> > echo 'Module FvwmBanner' > /var/tmp/FvwmCommand-${HOSTNAME}${DISPLAY}C
> > 
> > Now a nice FvwmBanner will appear. You can build complicated scripts
> > in any language that allows you to write to a file, zsh included, no
> > overhead whatsoever.
> > 
> > And if you want to listen to fvwm it's a matter of listening to the
> > 'M' counterpart: /var/tmp/FvwmCommand-${HOSTNAME}${DISPLAY}M
> > 
> > The only issue I can see here is the possible variation of the fifo
> > names, which is not that severe.
> > 
> > Any reasons to keep the ListenOnly module mechanism?
> Compatibility?

I just coded it a while ago for my own purposes, so that's no

> Running FvwmCommandS is a security exposure.
> Some users might be reluctant to use it.

I don't use FvwmCommand because it's too slow.  I wanted a solution
for displaying a clock and the process using the most cpu with as
little overhead as possible.  I do not want to start an executable
every n seconds because it has a negative influence on my system,
(namely the graphics performance of Kobo-Deluxe).  I didn't do it
for the fun of it but to solve a real problem.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

Dominik Vogt, dominik.vogt (at) gmx.de

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