On Mon, Apr 05 2010, Thomas Adam wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 05, 2010 at 07:26:13AM -0700, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 05 2010, Thomas Adam wrote:
>> > On Mon, Apr 05, 2010 at 09:16:20AM +1000, Kathryn Andersen wrote:
>> >> On Sat, Apr 03, 2010 at 06:04:48PM +0100, Thomas Adam wrote:
>> >> > I will of course be responsible for keeping this branch synched so that 
>> >> > its
>> >> > eventual merging with the tip of HEAD will be seamless [0].
>> >> > 
>> >> > -- Thomas Adam
>> >> > 
>> >> > [0] This is CVS -- what am I saying?  It's going to suck.  :P  Oh, if 
>> >> > only
>> >> > we were using Git...
>> >> 
>> >> It wouldn't be impossible to change over; CVS -> SVN -> GIT
>> >> I know, I know, it would still be a huge and painful effort.
>> >> 
>> >> Would it make sense to make a clean break with 2.60?  Leave the old
>> >> stuff in CVS, but on the 2.60 release, start with a completely new git
>> >> repository containing just the released 2.60 code, and continue on from
>> >> there?
>> >
>> > Sometimes, questions are meant to be rhetorical.  :)
>>         If they were not, git does provide a means of converting CVS
>>  over to git, and then provides a fake CVS server that  reads from a git
>>  backend.  I won't say it is painless, but it has been known to work
>>  well.
> You're not telling me things I don't already know, given I am already
> involved in the Git project.
> Psychologically though, it's always fascinating to me how far
> shed-painting will pull people out of the woodwork, given the
> opportunity to voice an opinion which holds no real meaning/weight to
> do with the project concerned.

        I find that slightly harsh, given that you were the one who
 broached the subject of converting the VCS to git. And seems like the
 git cvs server offers a path to doing just that, with no downside to
 people who happen to prefer CVS.

> I'll keep these opinions on file... :)   Thanks.

        This was not an opinion -- nor was it bike shedding, if you
 consider the nuclear reactor vs bike shed from the original story. This
 was an off hand response to an off hand comment by a core contributor,
 and meant to be helpful.

Most general statements are false, including this one. Alexander Dumas
Manoj Srivastava <sriva...@acm.org> <http://www.golden-gryphon.com/>  
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