On Sun, Mar 10, 2002 at 10:37:53AM +0100, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 10, 2002 at 08:33:08AM +0100, Olivier Chapuis wrote:
> > On Sat, Mar 09, 2002 at 08:50:38PM +0100, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> > > 
> > > Olivier, there is some unfinished work in Flocale.* and Fft.*.
> > > Specifically, I added a new member to the FlocaleFont structure:
> > > min_char_offset.  This should be the x offset at which characters
> > > are printed for vertical titles.  I didn't know how to calculate
> > > that for Xft (I don't have any documentation).  Can you please
> > > take a look at that?

Hum I do not know too.
> > >I've marked all unfinished places with
> > > "FIXME".  Also, Fft.c calls a function XftTextExtentsUtf8 and
> > > a similar version of XDrawString.  My system doesn't have these
> > > and configure does not detect that situation.  In other words: I
> > > can't compile the code.  I've ifdef'ed them out for now.
> > >

I hope that I have fixed this. The main problem with Xft is the following
note in the Xft man page:

       Xft  will  probably  change  radically in the future; weak
       attempts will be made to retain some level of  source-file

It is why I've marked this support totally experimental.

> > > Furthermore, I restructured and reformatted Flocal.* and Fft.*.
> > > I hope you're not angry with me about that.  It was in the best
> > > interest of future development.  All the FOOBAR_CODE() macros are
> > > gone now and all code is compiled even when the libraries are not
> > > present (I provided dummy interfaces if something is missing).
> > > This way the compiler always checks the syntax of the code even if
> > > the optimizer does not generate any code because of the
> > > if-conditions like
> > > 
> > >   if (FlocaleMultibyteSupport)
> > >     ...
> > > 
> > > with FlocaleMultibyteSupport #defined to 0 or 1.
> > >

All these is not a problem for me.
> > > Also, I vaguely remember some discussion about a library that
> > > prints strings vertically.  This is needed to get left/right
> > > titles working correctly.  I'm not sure how to handle this with
> > > the flood of XDrawString variants we now have.
> > >
> > 
> > Unfortunately, I've no time just now to complete the code and
> > to answer your questions in the good way. I will work on this
> > on monday and tuesday. The library which rotate font is still
> > on my machine but it is just for FontStruct. I can try to
> > implement vertical font rendering but I may need some times
> > (as one week if I do not fall on particular difficulty).
> The matter isn't pressing.  THere are two possible ways for
> vertical titles:
>  - Print them horizontally in a pixmap, rotate the pixmap by 90
>    degress and copy it into the title.  Works without any
>    libraries and is easy to do.
>  - Print one letter atop each other.  Either use a library or
>    do-it-yourself.  If I'd know how how to find out the length of
>    a single character in bytes it could be done easily without a
>    library.
> BTW, I'm not convinced titles with one letter atop the other look
> better than rotated titles.

Maybe this should be a style? RotateVerticalTitle / AtopVerticalTitle.

<Some others remarks without real importance in comparison from the
wonderfull fact that fvwm has now vertical title!!>

Also, it is not clear for me in which "direction" we should rotate
the title. It is clear that the default is to perform a -90° rotation,
as French guys (and maybe pepeole from other countries) would like
a +90° rotation (this concerns also buttons position: left buttons
should be on top?).
An other problem is title background and buttons _background_. IMHO,
it should also be rotated (e.g., a Vertical gradient title style should
gives an Horizontal gradient for vertical background).
And what about buttons position flags? If we have line as:
        AddButtonStyle 6 Inactive   foo -- Right
Maybe this should be transformed to
        AddButtonStyle 6 Inactive   foo -- Bottom [or Top]
for a vertical title?

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