On Wed, Apr 17, 2002 at 05:34:05PM -0500, fvwm-bug wrote:
> FVWM Bug Tracking notification
> new message incoming/876
> Full_Name: Jan Echternach
> Version: 2.4.7
> CVS_Date: 
> OS: Linux
> X_Server: XFree86 3.3.6
> Submission from: (NULL) (
> Szenario: netscape uses a private colormap.  A transient window is opened
> (e.g. the "Find" dialog with Alt+F), also with a private colormap.  This
> new window gets the focus even if the pointer (FocusFollowsMouse) is not
> inside it.  Esc is pressed to close the transient window.
> Case 1: Pointer is in the transient window: no problem.
> Case 2: Pointer is outside the transient window, but inside the main
> netscape
> window: The colormap of the main window won't be restored properly, even
> though it gets the focus and the pointer is inside it.

Should be fixed with the next release.  Could you please try the
latest CVS code or tomorrow's snapshot and report back if the
problem goes away?


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

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