On Thu, May 30, 2002 at 12:22:42AM +0200, Jan Echternach wrote:
> On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 02:04:06PM +0200, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> > > That diagnosis was too quick.  The netscape window actually loses the
> > > focus as it should, but the color map of the root window is not restored.
> > Can you please give me step by step instructions to reproduce the
> > problem, including the relevant config lines?  I don't know how to
> > test this in the first place, but I think the colour map focus and
> > the keyboard focus should stay in the same window.
> Open a window (e.g. "netscape -install", "xv -owncmap"), move pointer into
> window, move pointer out of window (to the root window).  Now the xv or
> netscape window has its color map still installed (i.e. it looks good,
> the rest of the screen is garbled), but the application's key bindings
> are no longer active ('q' doesn't quit xv etc.).  The root window's key
> bindings are active instead (e.g. F1 opens fvwm's builtin menu).
> I have noticed a short screen flicker when the pointer is moved out
> of an xv window to its border or title bar.  And if the pointer is
> moved very quickly out of the window, the root window's color map _is_
> restored properly.  The netscape window doesn't show this behaviour.

Should all be fixed now.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

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