On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 11:21:26AM +0100, Andre Bonhote wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 11:19:35AM +0100, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> Dominik, be honest: Does the default configuration fvwm2 comes with look
> beautiful in your opinion? I mean, if you have a nice and shiny website,
> you should maybe think about using another default config for future
> releases.

That's what I have said for years.  The default config makes new
users run off screaming in panic.  But let's move this topic out
of this thread.

> I know, this is OT, but it just came to my mind. Would it be possible to
> have the website look like fvwm2? Or/and have fvwm2 by default look like
> the website? This is maybe crazy, but, yeah! why not?

I had the same idea.  A web page surrounded by a themable window
border, with the menu in the title bar :-)  Would be fitting for a
window manager.  Or perhaps with a pager to navigate the sub

> Just an idea. I really do _not_ like the default look of fvwm2. I could
> imagine that a new user would be quite shocked ... (sorry to the creator
> of that "theme", but it's my taste).


Dominik ^_^  ^_^
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