On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 10:59:03AM +0100, Uwe Pross wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have put a first version under development of the fvwm
> homepage on my webspace:
> http://www-user.tu-chemnitz.de/~uwp/fvwm_web_site/

Nice.  It gives a good idea of how it could look like.  Just to
have something to compare it to:  could you make another
version that draw the window title and the left border around the
whole page?  (I.e. "page looks like a desktop" vs. "page looks
like a window".).  I think I slightly prefer the "window" layout
since it would look more structured, but it's hard to say without
seeing it first.

> This version is uncompleted. Currently there is only one
> page available. I put it online to show what I am going to
> do.

It's fine to start with.  We have to keep in mind that we need a
nice design for the *front page* on 1st of June.  Everything else
can wait a little bit longer.  Don't spend a lot of time on the
other pager before we have agreed on the basic looks.

> I plan to add a pager in the top left corner and either
> a fvwm menu or an icon manager containing sub links below
> it.

> I think about putting a TaskBar on top of the page
> which shows the location of the actual site relative to the
> fvwm home page like

Argh!  No way!  No taskbars on fvwm web pages!  Yuck!  :-)

> +----------------------------------------------------------
> | fvwm home -> documentations -> man pages -> FvwmButtons
> +----------------------------------------------------------
> I rewrote my php-scripts that all links are kept relative
> now. It is so possible to generate the whole html-tree and
> put it on the fvwm-server without any modifications
> (hopefully). This needs only to be done if your web server
> does not support php - What I don't know yet.
> I implemented a couple of functions which insert the window
> decorations as seen on the demo site. They can be used in
> each fvwm-page and will depend on the actual style e.g.:
> <?php decoration_top_line("Fvwm Home Page"); ?>
> will insert a table line containing a window decoration
> which has "Fvwm Home Page" in title.
> Maybe we need to discuss the structure of the web tree. My
> first suggestion is:

Looks good, but don't nest it unnecessarily.  For example, there
is no need to sort everything remotely related to documentation
under "Documentation".  We can as well keep the old two sections,
one with developer info and one with man pages.  I suggest about
ten to fifteen links/buttons on the front page.  This is not too
much for the eye and gives a good granulatiry.  With more buttons
it becomes confusiong (see
http://user-mode-linux.sourceforge.net/ for an example) and with
too few you have to click too often.  Oh, by the way, keyboard
navigation (tab) on the page is mandatory.

> Home (This site)
> |
> +- News (As it is now)
> |
> +- Features 
> |
> +- Download 
> |   | 
> |   +- Fvwm Packages
> |   +- fvwmrcs
> |   +- vectorbuttons
> |   +- icons 
> |   +- sounds
> |
> +- Screenshots
> |   | 
> |   +- Window decorations
> |   +- menus
> |   +- desktops
> |
> +- Documentations
> |   |
> |   +- man pages
> |   |   |
> |   |   +- fvwm 
>         +- ....
> |   +- may be other docs faqs (cvs)
> |
> +- Contact (Mailing list addresses)
> |
> +- Links
> | 
> +- (Other infos ?)
> Authors? Maybe from Home
> Any suggestions are welcome :-)


Dominik ^_^  ^_^
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