Thomas Adam wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 01:23:43PM +0200, Michael Großer wrote:
>> space for all my different projects. I configured
>> a lot of bindings so I can use the keyboard to
>> create new windows or operate with the viewports.
>> I studied the sample config files of the fvwm95
>> project to get suggestions. I created a digital
> Why?  You won't learn anything from looking at that file -- it's very old.

To get a clue how things work. The man pages
have the theory and the fvwm95 config files
contain the practice and can immediately be
tested. In other words: The man pages are the
reference and the fvwm95 config files are an
example. But 90 percent of my own config files
is code that I checked against the man pages,
because I actually want to understand my
own code.

>> clock at the bottom right corner of my screen
>> using 3 instances of xclock to let it show
>> me the day of the week (1st instance), the
>> date (2nd instance) and the time (3rd instance).
>> Fvwm is automatically positioning these
>> instances for me using "Wait" and "Prev"
>> and setting some styles.
> Wait and Prev?  Hmm, see the following as to why this is not a good thing
> anymore:

I will look at it later.

>> Later, I will fix the focus problem (I asked
>> for in this mailing list) and I will build a
>> task bar for me at the bottom, where is still
>> some room in the middle. I think that the
>> fvwm95 project will show me how I can get such
>> a task bar. The documentation of the fvwm
>> project is hard to read and could be written
>> a bit more well-arranged. But, I understand
>> the stuff that is written in the documentation,
> How could it be improved?

Some examples:

1. FuncFvwmRaiseLowerX
This page...
... does not explain, how FuncFvwmRaiseLowerX exactly
works. I just use it and I don't understand it.
I just use it to move windows with
"Win" + "left mouse button" and it does the
job for me. I don't now why. This could be
improved. Perhaps just make a link to the
document that gives more information about

2. destroy_window
This page...
... mentions "destroy_window" only two times.
I can guess what it does, and I think, I will
solve my problems with this, but one little section
for each event that explains what exactly causes
the respective event, would be a nice improvement.

3. continuous text
The human race is an image processing animal.
When I was studying the bindings syntax, I needed
a reference. I needed the particular options
in tables. But, I found them amongst continuous text.
The first thing that I did was creating my own
reference (half German, half English) that
I attached to this e-mail message.

Just look at the attachments to guess what I mean.
I thing, it could be a nice improvement if
someone would write this kind of information
in table form, so I can find the right piece
of information more quickly (and without
the need to create my own reference in my
own language).

You asked for this kind of feedback.
I hope, I could give you a good and
constructive answer for the start.

For me, I think, I got some first acceptable
results with fvwm. But, I think that I need
some years to be an absolute fvwm professional.

I'm just learning.

Syntax der Bindings
1. Tastatur-Bindings
Key Keyname Context Modifiers Function

2. Maus-Bindings
Mouse Button Context Modifiers Function

3. Der "Keyname"
Siehe hier:
--> Das "XK_" muss weggelassen werden.

4. Der "Button"
0: Irgendeine Maustaste
1: Linke Maustaste
2: Mittlere Maustaste
3: Rechte Maustaste

5. Der "Context"
Wo soll das Binding zur Anwendung kommen?
R: the root window
W: an application window
T: a window title-bar
S: a window side, top or bottom bar
F: a window frame (the corners)
I: an icon window
0: title-bar button Nummer 0
9: title-bar button Nummer 9
A: any context except for title-bar buttons

Kombinationen dieser Buchstaben und Zahlen sind möglich.

6. Die "Modifiers"
N: no modifiers
C: Control
S: Shift
M: Meta      = Alt
L: Caps-Lock (wird per Default ignoriert)
A: Any modifier
0:           = no modifiers
1: mod1      = Alt
2: mod2
3: mod3
4: mod4      = Win
5: mod5      = Alt Gr

7. Function

8. Title-bar buttons
1 3 5 7 9   0 8 6 4 2
1. StartFunction
Wird bei Starts und Restarts aufgerufen.

2. InitFunction
Wird bei Starts aufgerufen, direkt nach "StartFunction".

3. RestartFunction
Wird bei Restarts aufgerufen, direkt nach "StartFunction".

4. Einklinken von Befehlen in diese Funktionen
AddToFunc StartFunction I Befehl

Anstelle von I kann Folgendes stehen:
I: immediate
M: motion
C: click
H: hold
D: double-click
- ClickToFocus: is klar
- MouseFocus: Default / Focus verschwindet, wenn Maus verschwindet
- FocusFollowsMouse: ist ein Alias von MouseFocus
- SloppyFocus: Focus bleibt, wenn Maus verschwindet
- NeverFocus: is klar

Achtung: Für jeden Fenstertyp sind andere Policys möglich!
Das ist ziemlich einmalig und nützlich.

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