On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 04:19:20PM +0200, Michael Großer wrote:
> Thomas Adam wrote:
> > On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 02:27:25PM +0200, Michael Großer wrote:
> > 
> >> 2. destroy_window
> >> =================
> >> This page...
> >> http://www.fvwm.org/documentation/manpages/unstable/FvwmEvent.php
> >> ... mentions "destroy_window" only two times.
> >> I can guess what it does, and I think, I will
> >> solve my problems with this, but one little section
> >> for each event that explains what exactly causes
> >> the respective event, would be a nice improvement.
> > 
> > Note also -- there is this rather idiotic thread:
> > 
> > http://www.mail-archive.com/fvwm@fvwm.org/msg00949.html
> > 
> > But take away from that post that some of the information you're wanting --
> > whilst useful -- might be adding bloat.  In your case, are you saying for
> > FvwmEvent you want an explanation of what each event does, and when it's
> > triggered?  I could add that, but assumed the names themselves are
> > self-documenting.
> > 
> > Again -- can you provide an example using "destroy_window" what sort of
> > information you're wanting to see?
> Such kind of information could be nice:
> - destroy_window:
>   --> Generates an event if a window disappears.

Well, nothing generates these events from FvwmEvent's point of view --
FvwmEvent will just react to events -- but I take your point, they could be
explained better.

> Look at this:
> http://www.fvwm.org/doc/unstable/fvwm/fvwm.man.html#menus
> 31.1.13. Menu
> The orange color of the headwords and then the documentation
> in black color is a good start.

That's a CSS issue only from the resulting HTML output.  The documentation
itself is single-sourced in a monstrous mess of docbook XML (which **will**
be changing in 2.6.0 -- it's just fucking abysmal to keep it the way it is
for much longer.  That's a promise) -- so what we change will affect not
only the HTML, but the man page as well. 

> Now, look here:
> http://fvwm.org/doc/unstable/commands/Mouse.html
> Read this text:
> > Context describes where the binding applies. Valid
> > contexts are 'R' for the root window, 'W' for an
> > application window, 'D' for a desktop application
> > (as kdesktop or Nautilus desktop), 'T' for a window
> > title-bar, 'S' for a window side, top, or bottom bar,
> > '[', ']', '-' and '_' for the left, right, top or
> > bottom side only, 'F' for a window frame (the corners),
> > '<', '^', '>' and 'v' for the top left, top right,
> > bottom right or bottom left corner, 'I' for an icon
> > window, or '0' through '9' for title-bar buttons,
> > or any combination of these letters. 'A' is for
> > any context. For instance, a context of "FST"
> > applies when the mouse is anywhere in a window's
> > border except the title-bar buttons. Only 'S' and
> > 'W' are valid for an undecorated window.
> Now, read this text:
> Context
> -------
> It describes where the binding applies. Valid contexts are:
> - 'R' for the root window
> - 'W' for an application window
> - 'D' for a desktop application (as kdesktop or Nautilus
>       desktop)

Yes.   OK.  Point taken.   Shouldn't be too difficult to do.

> For this hack, I chose the list form. The
> table form would also be good idea. It doesn't
> matter if you choose the list form or the table
> form as long as you break up this continuous text
> form that is hard to read.

Tables I think.   They translate into groff much easier.

> It could help to keep the orange color of the
> letters because the more color, the more eye catching
> is the relevant information.

In terms of HTML, yes.  That won't change, but manpages are a different
kettle of fish.

> * context
> * modifiers
> * focus policies

OK.  No problems.   I will look at this later on when I get back from work.

-- Thomas Adam

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