On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 02:27:25PM +0200, Michael Großer wrote:
> Thomas Adam wrote:
> > On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 01:23:43PM +0200, Michael Großer wrote:
> >> space for all my different projects. I configured
> >> a lot of bindings so I can use the keyboard to
> >> create new windows or operate with the viewports.
> >> I studied the sample config files of the fvwm95
> >> project to get suggestions. I created a digital
> > 
> > Why?  You won't learn anything from looking at that file -- it's very old.
> To get a clue how things work. The man pages
> have the theory and the fvwm95 config files
> contain the practice and can immediately be
> tested. In other words: The man pages are the
> reference and the fvwm95 config files are an
> example. But 90 percent of my own config files
> is code that I checked against the man pages,
> because I actually want to understand my
> own code.

Sure -- and it's not your fault, it's just that to solve this "problem"
properly, requires a lot more effort/changes than simply updating the config
file to reflect newer changes in syntax, etc.  That has only been
half-heartedly done recently -- there's a lot of crap still in there which
either needs to be removed, or updated.

Note that I am not talking about the fvwm95 example file specifically, but
about the config files installed via FvwmFormSetup.  That's a big contention
point historically in FVWM though.  :)

> Some examples:
> 1. FuncFvwmRaiseLowerX
> ======================
> This page...
> http://www.fvwm.org/doc/unstable/fvwm/fvwm.man.html
> ... does not explain, how FuncFvwmRaiseLowerX exactly
> works. I just use it and I don't understand it.
> I just use it to move windows with
> "Win" + "left mouse button" and it does the
> job for me. I don't now why. This could be
> improved. Perhaps just make a link to the
> document that gives more information about
> FuncFvwmRaiseLowerX.

By default, it looks like this:

AddToFunc FuncFvwmRaiseLowerX
+ I Raise
+ M $0
+ D Lower

And is invoked (by default) like this:

Mouse 1 T   A FuncFvwmRaiseLowerX Move
Mouse 1 FS  A FuncFvwmRaiseLowerX Resize
Mouse 2 FST A FuncFvwmRaiseLowerX Move

Hence, what this function does is wrap two similar functionalities together.

* Whenever the function is run on a window (+ I) it's raised -- always.
* If the window is moved (+M) then the action passed into that function is
  called -- so in the above example, we have a choice of either "Move" or
  "Resize" depending on the binding.
* If the user double-clicks (either on the Title (T), Frames (F) or Sides
  (S), then the window is lowered.

In the link to the fvwmwiki article I gave you, I explain where this
function is defined, and why it's not "accessible" to the user, and why they
have to redefine it for themselves.

But I take your point that there is little documentation on what the
function does, but its definition is in "man fvwm".  I will look at
improving this later on this evening.

> 2. destroy_window
> =================
> This page...
> http://www.fvwm.org/documentation/manpages/unstable/FvwmEvent.php
> ... mentions "destroy_window" only two times.
> I can guess what it does, and I think, I will
> solve my problems with this, but one little section
> for each event that explains what exactly causes
> the respective event, would be a nice improvement.

Note also -- there is this rather idiotic thread:


But take away from that post that some of the information you're wanting --
whilst useful -- might be adding bloat.  In your case, are you saying for
FvwmEvent you want an explanation of what each event does, and when it's
triggered?  I could add that, but assumed the names themselves are

Again -- can you provide an example using "destroy_window" what sort of
information you're wanting to see?

> 3. continuous text
> ==================
> The human race is an image processing animal.
> When I was studying the bindings syntax, I needed
> a reference. I needed the particular options
> in tables. But, I found them amongst continuous text.
> The first thing that I did was creating my own
> reference (half German, half English) that
> I attached to this e-mail message.

I am *especially* keen on this sort of information because of the impending
2.6.0 release.  I have no problems delaying FVWM further if this sort of
thing is going to be useful; *but* making the data tabular also might lose
readability in things like man page formats.

You are aware we have HTML documentation which fragments the monolithic
manpage, right?


> Just look at the attachments to guess what I mean.

Sorry, I don't speak German.  But if you can be more specific about which
areas you think would benefit from tabulating information, I am happy to
work with you to accomplish this.

I've been banging on for *years* about this sort of thing, and finally it
might actually happen.  :)

You've made my day.  :)

-- Thomas Adam

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