hi Jaimos,

--- On Wed, 12/15/10, Jaimos Skriletz <jai...@diamond.boisestate.edu> wrote:

> Thomas clearly explains why it won't be applied. FVWM is in
> a feature freeze until 2.6 comes out. This is a new feature
> (not a bug fix). From the link you read:
> "It's not really a bug fix per-se, hence why I've not
> committed it to CVS."
> After 2.6 comes out and new features start being added
> again this or a modified version of this does sound like a
> useful new feature add.

what are the plans for the next release? is it near? i think ive read before 
about 2.6.0 but that was ages ago - how long must us users wait before a new 

whats left to be done, and why isnt the cvs version released as 2.6 already? or 
am i missing something? :) who controls this process, and who can i talk to 
about helping out?




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