Dan Espen (2018-Dec-29, excerpt):
> I want to be sure I remember how to test for this.
> I start darktable and import an image and click on it.

doubleclick, yes

> I then open the "mask manager" triangle to use the tools there.
> If I select the circle tool, a circle appears on the image.
> I can then move the circle around but when I click to drop it
> it jumps somewhere else?

No, it is placed where you clicked.  But when you try to move it
again, by dragging with the left mouse button, it will jump away from
the pointer as soon as the drag begins.

> The edit tool has similar issues.

Most tools on the right hand pane have a "blend" option at the bottom
of their dialog.  Choose "drawn mask" there and you have a couple of
options for creating shapes (circle, ellipse, ..., like in "mask
manager").  Creating the shape works, but *moving* an existing shape
afterwards shows the jumping.

> I don't remember it failing when I tested it last.

Note that it seems to be necessary to have a mouse binding like the
following inyour FVWM setup:

    mouse 1 A 4 beep

which simply beeps with on a button-1 click with modifier 4 (windows
key) held down.  I'm using

    mouse 1 A 4 moveOrRaise
    AddToFunc moveOrRaise
    + C raise
    + M move

to move windows with the mouse and windows-key.

Also, I've re-uploaded videos that show the effect:



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