Mikhael Goikhman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Please read the messages and attachments in this thread to see why this
> idea is not considered good:
>   http://www.hpc.uh.edu/fvwm/archive/0301/msg00181.html

I read the thread but couldn't get the attachment ... 

The thread seems to die on some point?! Was there a decision?

> Something like docbook2info would create want you want automatically.
> Just for the record, I find one big man page much more confortable than
> multiple info pages. For cross-link documentation I prefer html and
> possibly lynx. Your effort would be ineffective and probably incompatible
> for users wanting man pages and html like me. Unlike the docbook
> effort.

The decision between texinfo and docbook is rather contructed as both
can be easily converted forth and back. makeinfo supports
xml, docbook, html, text and tex out of the box. Even converting it
from docbook back to info shouldn't be very hard using
http://docbook2X.sourceforge.net/ , although i never tested it in that 

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