Dominik Vogt <> writes:

>> Huh? I can't find anything in my former mails about switching to info
>> format. And if you read it in it, I'm sorry ... i just wanted to
>> convert the man page to the info page to ease *my* pain in reading it
>> ... i never wanted you to throw man away...
> It's because of this sentence:
>> The decision between texinfo and docbook is rather contructed as
>> both can be easily converted forth and back.

I wrote that because the thread mainly focused on whether to use docbook,
man, pod, info etc...

If it is planned to use docbook i'm very happy about it as that would
make it very easy for me to get my info page... 

> In any case, if we ever switch the documentation source format,
> the man page will still be the most important output format.  If,
> with a certain source format, we can't easily have a man page of
> at least the quality it is now, that source format is
> inacceptable.  Other than that the decision should be made by ease
> or use, maintainability and how it supports other output formats.
> It's probably wise not to require installing a documentation
> package that is hard to set up.

Sorry, if my cited sentence lead you to the conclusion i want to
discuss the matter of the official documentation format. Just forget it
as it was never writte... :) I just wanted to find maybe some
co-workers and a place to put ( i will submit on savannah when others
are interested in helping)

That was the reason i send that mail to "Fvwm Users" and not to


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