curently i am not at this computer. I will reply in hour and half :)

Vincent-20 wrote:
> On 5/16/08, vladimirn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I misstyped what php said :) actually PHP said that method does not
>> exist,
>> and i know that method exist. But when i include file Banner.php which
>> contain that method, and change in code from $this->Banner->update to
>> Banner::update() then works fine.
>> Original file(which i remake to make banner part) works fine with
>> $this->Popular->update()...
>> Also after changes i made, i moved completly folder structure from my
>> localhost back to web, changing only database data in config.php and
>> everything working but banners :)
>> I like zend framework and what ZF offer, but it is so confusing sometimes
>> :)
>> I am not using SVn cause i cant figure it out how to use it. I read on
>> svn
>> web site but still dont get it. And it was already on web site i got to
>> adjust.
>> Thank you very much for your reply :)
> So what does get_class($this->Banner) say?
> -- 
> Vincent

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