Hi Brad,

FWIW I began using XMLMind to create and update entries in the ZF documentation.

It had a tendency to mash existing code examples (e.g. converting all < to &lt; and removing CDATA instructions) and muck around with every single line re: whitespace. In turn this meant the documentation guys had real trouble determining what had been changed, as the change logs showed that every line was updated, thus drawing out the process.

As an editor it's brilliant - I use it a lot for other projects. Maybe the paid-for version allows more fine-grained control over the output, but for now I'll stick with hand-coding when it comes to ZF updates.



Sorry about continuing an OT discussion, but I'm curious what you mean when you say the XML from XMLmind XML Editor (XXE) wasn't "good enough?" My experience with XXE has been that the XML was perfectly valid, well formatted in respect to whitespace, and met the DocBook specs. I find it surprising that it's quicker for you to copy-and- paste from Microsoft Word than it is to just use a structured content editing tool like XXE from the beginning. In my understanding, the whole point of structured content is that you're considering both content and structure at the same time.

On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 2:39 PM, Matthew Ratzloff <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: Microsoft Word, and then translated into DocBook by hand. This is the quickest way for me that I've found. The first part I worry about the content. Only then do I worry about the semantics and formatting.

I tried using XMLmind's editor once for client documentation at work. I dumped it. The XML it produces just wasn't good enough.


On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 6:41 AM, Keith Pope <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey guys,

Do you use a docbook editor for writing the zf docs? If so whats a good editor to use?


Keith Pope

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