That is indeed odd, I'll ask Stas if he knows anything about the iconv implementation on this type of machine.

What we've seen on AIX/Ibm I5 machines is that the iconv implementation uses different names for various character sets-

The other issue might be that the endianness of that machine is different than a linux/mac/windows machine. I've seen this cause issues in PDF as well.

I'll ask around and get back with you.

Sorry you are running into this issue, it's a complicated one. At current, feel free to patch the library as its your best solution as of today.


Shadedream wrote:

The PHP_OS string is returning SunOS. I've included the iconv portion of
phpinfo below:

iconv support   enabled
iconv implementation    unknown
iconv library version   unknown

Directive       Local Value     Master Value
iconv.input_encoding    ISO-8859-1      ISO-8859-1
iconv.internal_encoding ISO-8859-1      ISO-8859-1
iconv.output_encoding   ISO-8859-1      ISO-8859-1

I'm guessing it has to do with the two "unknowns" up there but I'm not
entirely sure as I'm not that familiar with iconv.

The "quick fix" I got from a coworker to get testing my implementation
involved modifying the Zend_Pdf_Resource_Font_Simple class's encodeString
method to just pass back a string if it was in iso-8859-1 encoding which
gets it working but is less than ideal as I'd rather not have to hack the
Zend installation (I'll forget to do it if I upgrade, etc).


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