My vote is for the PHP version the majority of stable / LTS OS's support by


On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 8:03 PM, Artur Bodera <> wrote:

> Voting no.
> As much as I'd love to bump it even higher (*ekhem* borked DateTime
> *ekhem*) it will probably confuse the hell out of user base. We've had this
> discussion several times on different occasions (on ml, irc, even some
> stuff on wiki).
> We'll have to live with 5.3.3 until ZF3. With ZF3 we'll have to live with
> 5.4.X (which will probably be aligned with most popular revision per linux
> distros) and we'll probably have similar discussions in the future ... and
> for the sake of consistency, my answer will then also probably be "no".
> With love :-)
> Art.
> --
> +48 695 600 936
> On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 8:55 PM, Stewart Lord <> wrote:
>> My vote is 'no' because (as far as I know) RHEL 6 is currently at 5.3.3
>> and we have customers on that distro. This would mean we are stuck on older
>> ZF2 at least for a while. Not a huge deal really, but that's my vote FWIW :)
>> I also note that Symfony2 is at 5.3.3.
>> Stew
>> On 2013-11-05 11:34 AM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:
>>> Hey, all --
>>> We're running into a few situations where bumping the minimum required
>>> PHP version for ZF2 would be useful; in fact, there's at least one
>>> situation where staying with 5.3.3 actually prevents progress on a few
>>> issues.
>>> The specific issue we have is that, until 5.3.9, PHP did not allow the
>>> following:
>>>      interface Foo
>>>      {
>>>          public function send();
>>>      }
>>>      interface Bar
>>>      {
>>>          public function send();
>>>      }
>>>      class FooBar implements Foo, Bar
>>>      {
>>>          public function send()
>>>          {
>>>              // do something
>>>          }
>>>      }
>>> Essentially, implementing multiple interfaces that define the same
>>> method, using the same signature.
>>> Prior to 5.3.9, this raises an E_FATAL. From 5.3.9 forward, it works.
>>> Having this would allow us to fix a situation with the way translation
>>> works across components; not having it means we're stuck with some of
>>> those problems.
>>> There are other issues as well: ArrayObject has had a lively history
>>> of malfunctioning with 5.3 and 5.4, and there are  some odd behaviors
>>> in the object model as well that have been corrected starting in 5.3.7
>>> and up.
>>> Considering PHP 5.3 has already reached end of life status
>>> (, upping the minimum
>>> version seems like "a good idea."
>>> My question, then is:
>>> - Should we up the minimum required PHP version for ZF2?
>>> - If your answer was "no", why not?
>>> - If your answer was "yes", what version should become the next
>>> minimum supported PHP version? Why?
>>> NOTE: we are not announcing that we will up the minimum required
>>> version at this time; I'm soliciting feedback so we can make a
>>> decision.
>>> Thanks in advance!

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