On 6 November 2013 00:22, Artur Bodera <abod...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 10:55 PM, Evan Coury <m...@evancoury.com> wrote:
> > These enterprise users will simply have to be feature-frozen and only
> > receive minor version updates when a security fix is backported, period.
> > Missing out on new features and (non-critical) bugfixes *after* such a
> > change is a cost they have already accepted as part of their policy to
> > limit themselves strictly to distribution-provided packages.
> >
> I think it's the gist of the problem.
> There's also quite lot of assumptions, which basically boils down to: "if
> they use old PHP versions, it's their problem and they must know and
> acknowledge all downsides, accept all the risks".  Well, it's actually a
> logical conclusion but the question is: how much do they rely on frameworks
> such as ZF2 to "shim away" their problems ?

I don't think ZF, SF or whatever framework you pick should become "the
jQuery of PHP". A framework is not an excuse to use older PHP versions
without worrying.

> If we went this way, on our side, this means very careful PR merging
> process so backports do receive as many of the upgrades as possible. Not
> sure how much pain that would be actually :-| @mwop ?

Yes, that would be very painful. Instead of that solution, I' rather
suggest keeping 5.3.3 in ZF2 and delaying whatever is causing the failures
for ZF3 (where the bump is possible).

> > will still be fine to use all of the ZF2 features they've come to depend
> on up until this point
> Yes, but those features will slowly diminish with time, as only security
> stuff will be backported. So basically our decision here means: "no more
> feature upgrades and bug fixes for you from now on unless you upgrade PHP".

That's kind-of the point of upgrading generally...

> --
> abod...@gmail.com
> +48 695 600 936
> http://thinkscape.pro

Marco Pivetta



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