A reasonable amount of attempts has trickled into my mailbox (even
one by Santa), but most fail on hole 1 (remember, these numbers can
be *BIG). Only 4 people so far have a completed solution:

Suo                     139
Eugene van der Pijll    144
Llasse                  145
Autrijus                186

Suo is the first one succeeding to go below 139. But since the 
sum of the length of the best entries for each hole is 137, he
is still missing some possible bytes.

Interesting is that several times I only after some thinking
realised that some of the solutions to hole 1 were incorrect
(which is why you sometimes saw some people suddenly going far
backward or even disappearing from the list). This hole turns
out to originally have been rather badly specified. Check the
challenge page for the latest clarifications (fortunately it
has been stable for some time now).

Only three beginners have yet attempted the challenge, and none
succeeded at hole 1 yet. Come on guys, there's a guaranteed
(temporary ?) first place waiting for you here.

challenge status: http://a108.bauhuette.haw-hamburg.de/golf/challenge.html
use to check:     http://a108.bauhuette.haw-hamburg.de/golf/score
send attempts to: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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