If any of you have read The Perl Review
(http://www.perl.org/ThePerlReview/), you may have noticed, buried in
the back, a golf challenge.

You'll also notice that it's fairly fuzzy on details.

To make a long story short, we're looking for someone to be our Master
of Golf.  Or some other impressive, yet meaningless, title.  :-)

I figure, given the recent activity here, not only with people golfing,
but setting up tournaments, this would be the place to look.


Heck, if a group of elves got it into their heads to be the TPR Golf
Cabal, I'd consider it.  Just so long as *I* don't have to do it. :-)

What do you think, sirs?

David H. Adler - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.panix.com/~dha/
Six course banquet of nothing, with a scoop of sod-all for a palate
cleanser   - Rupert Giles

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