> Thanks. also a cheap way to move away from orphaned FW2Go cards (which I've
> got)..... and future upgrade support.... thanks

Well I've been strugling with the Belkin F5U512-MAC Cardbus adapter and
it's a no go on my Wallstreet 2 with Mac OS 8.6

The Freecom CD-RW classic 16x10x40 should work and came with Toast Lite

I tried both Apple FW driver 2.3.3 as 2.4 (which claimes to need OS 9).
And used an external powersource, which blocked the eject button but
still no CD showed on the desktop and Toast didn't see any CD writer.
The card does show up on the desktop as F5U512, but it just doesn't seem
to communicte anymore than that.

I was thinking to ask for a secondhand FW2Go as those are reported to
work in Mac OS 8.6. (Now why shouldn't I? Why are you saying those cards
are orphaned? Don't they work anymore?)

Maybe I try to find the IBM here in Europe.
Dennis SCP [nl,en,(de)]                                         Kuyichi
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