Hope this is not a duplicate, but I don't see it in the digest.  This one
was submitted (Jeremy) before I replied to David.  Thanks/bg

> Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 10:35:52 -0600
> From: Jeremy Derr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Going Batty Over Batteries
> At 8.30 AM -0500 4/2/02, BG wrote:
>> I "zapped" PRAM twice...
> If you're hitting the little reset button inside the grill, you'll
> lose the date/time every time you hit that button. That's the power
> manager reset button and shouldn't be used to shutdown/restart the
> computer. Instead, just hold in the power button for ~5 seconds.
Hi Jeremy:  What I did was hold down option-apple-R-P keys.  I got that
"idea" from the Mac's Help Guide. :-/  Since then, with help from yooz guys
and finally finding the "service manual" online for the ibook, I am seeing
things a little more clearly... 8-)
>> Re: the lithium-ion battery and yoyo adapter: I'm trying to determine if
>> both of these batteries I have are "ready for the dumpster."  I left the
>> adapter on for 24 hours.  Then last night it was amber and the control strip
>> said "battery is being recharged."  It was amber for about 20 minutes on two
>> occasions.  Then it turns green in between, and the control strip then says,
>> "battery has been removed from your computer" (even though battery is still
>> installed).
> This could be a problem with the battery or the adapter. or the iBook
> itself. The best way to figure this out is to first reset the power
> manager properly (read kbase article #14449 at
> <http://www.info.apple.com/kbnum/n14449>)...
Had 2 batteries that came with the ibook.  I was forewarned they may or may
not even work, hence my experiment.  I read somewhere to recharge them 24
hours before even using them.  That has now been done with both batteries
(the first battery described in first post above).  The second battery:
During the last 24 hours, the adapter light remained amber, so I was
"hopeful" it was actually recharging the battery.  The control strip even
says (again) that battery is charged.  However, when adapter is removed -
out go all the lights! (all power lost).

I also read the article above (thank you!) and did as it instructed (2nd
battery).  But date/time still remains 1/1/04, but instead of 12 AM, it says
12:25 AM (maybe that's from my previously resetting the clock yesterday?)

> ...and then test with known good adapters and batteries (one at a time, if you
> swap both at the same time, you won't know which fixed the problem). If you
> swap batteries and adapters with known goods, and reset the PMU, and the issue
> persists.... then it's likely a problem with the Power Manager in the iBook.

I am thinking the adapter does work since it does power the ibook (even with
"dead" batteries).  And since it appears both batteries are "kaput," I am
not able to swap with "known goods."  But thank you for outlining exactly
what to do.  Very helpful.

>> if you ...don't really need the batteries, should you just take them out of
the computer and set them aside?
> No. Batteries run out of juice eventually and, typically, if they run
> down through not being used, that tends to ruin them.
Thanks for the advice.  Not sure if these "ran down" from typical use (most
likely, by prior owner) or from not being used...

>> And/or does it "hurt anything" to leave them IN and never use them?
> Not really.

> Any computer company still using NiCad batteries should be shot, dragged into
> the streets, hanged, beat, thrown to the wolves, and then REALLY hurt. ;D

Hey, now, my uncle up North still sells NiCad batteries for computers!

(not really!) :)
> My cell phone has a LiIon battery in it, too, and I've never worried
> about running it down... I just charge it whenever I think about it,
> and the battery still lasts most of a week, if not more. Depending on
> how much I actually use it, of course.
> Jeremy Derr        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> \ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks Jeremy.  I think my brain needs a recharge after all of this!

>-- O  -->


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