On 25/02/03 16:21, "Obrecht, Jerry A" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am using a 1GHz TiBook, running OS 10.2.1.  I notice that on occasion,
> generally after a long sleep (number of hours), that the pointer (trackpad) is
> frozen after waking.  The up, down, left, right keys work, though; so, the OS
> isn't frozen.  Is this a known problem with 10.2.1?  Is there a method to
> unfreeze the pointer without restarting?  I have searched the Apple Knowledge
> Base without luck.  Trying the 3-finger salute and force-quitting Finder
> doesn't work wither.  Suggestions?

Sorry, no suggestion, but I don't think it's a widespread problem. I've
never experienced this on my lowly Pismo 400 running 10.2.4. A week ago, I
made a trip from Virginia to Ottawa, Canada. The trip was about 10-11 hours.
I had put my Pismo to sleep before leaving. When I got there after unloading
the car, I did open my Pismo and everything was fine. I did the same thing
when I came back and didn't have any problem with the trackpad when I came
back. Now, it might be something specific to the Titanium PowerBook, or
something specific to your own installation...

Laurent Daudelin                    Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae
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