> Why do they do that to the machines?  I'm buying a new computer, why 
> can't I install whatever OS version I like on it?  It's not like I'm 
> trying to install the "no longer supported" OS 9 or anything.  What 
> difference would it make to them if someone wanted to run Jaguar on 
> their machine, too?

Because new hardware=updated software.  Every time Apple makes a new
computer, they update the current version of the system to work with the
new hardware and ship it with that.  If they made it possible to run an
older OS on new machines, they would have to use OLD hardware supported
by the older system, which completely demolishes the point of buying a
new computer.  You wouldn't buy a new computer, only to find it uses old
outdated hardware.  That's basically why old systems don't work on new


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