> Ah fer crying out loud, this is their summary:
> "While we're still impressed with the Mac Mini's ability to pack so  
> much into a tight package, Apple can't get away from its PC  
> competitors that offer more features for less money. If saving space  
> and the Mac OS are dominating factors, then the new Mac Minis are a  
> viable option, but your dollar will stretch much further with a budget  
> Windows desktop."
> If the Mac OS is not your over-riding reason to buy a Mac...don't buy  
> a friggin Mac!!!
> This is, essentially the WHOLE %...@%#& POINT!!11!!!! of the entire  
> Macintosh line of computers.
> I don't care if they give it to me for free, a Windows system DOES NOT  
Yet again, an answer of refreshing sanity, commonsense & realism from Bruce.


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