Sometimes you get what you pay for.

My Macs have been extremely cost-effective. Go for an average  
lifespan of
8-10 years, rarely any downtime, run most of my old programs on new  
don't need maintenance other than by me, don't get virii.

Friends with Windows are often on the blink, computers are slow, hard  
drives die,
in the shop for hundreds of dollars, and yet when it's time to buy,  
there's another
Windows machine with the complaint, "I can't afford a Mac!"

Also the techs at Applecare speak good English and I can understand  

So I'd say I can't afford Windows, they're much more expensive in the  
long run.

On Mar 5, 2009, at 4:25 PM, Ted Treen wrote:

>> Ah fer crying out loud, this is their summary:
>> "While we're still impressed with the Mac Mini's ability to pack so
>> much into a tight package, Apple can't get away from its PC
>> competitors that offer more features for less money. If saving space
>> and the Mac OS are dominating factors, then the new Mac Minis are a
>> viable option, but your dollar will stretch much further with a  
>> budget
>> Windows desktop."
>> If the Mac OS is not your over-riding reason to buy a Mac...don't buy
>> a friggin Mac!!!
>> This is, essentially the WHOLE %...@%#& POINT!!11!!!! of the entire
>> Macintosh line of computers.
>> I don't care if they give it to me for free, a Windows system DOES  
>> NOT
> Yet again, an answer of refreshing sanity, commonsense & realism  
> from Bruce.
> Ted
> >

Anne Keller Smith
Down to Earth Web Design

G4 Quicksilver 733mHz Tower
896 MB RAM, 40 GB hard drive, OS 10.4.11

Intel iMac 2.4gHz Core 2 Duo
1GB RAM, 250GB Hard Drive, OS 10.5.5

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