At 12:18 PM -0400 3/25/2009, insightinmind wrote:
>Another kp yesterday morning, amongst Spotlight Indexing (Sibelius 
>things?) indicated the video card again ... so, I removed it and 
>cleaned the contacts, removing a small amount of something with 
>alcohol and hard cotton swab. Also cleaned out the AGP slot with a 
>vacuum cleaner and long plastic low-flow attachment (carefully). So 
>far it seems to be running again, but since I am close to end of 
>Warranty, I went on and put in for an RMA.

Good plan!

>Know of any way to test such a thing other than watch it with
>repeated startups?

I'm sure the vendors involved have low-level diagnostics, but they 
won't be letting us mere mortals have 'em.

>  >> Several of the crash logs show mdworker failed.  It is part of
>>>  Spotlight's indexing system.  The importer being used at the time of
>>>  the crash was "com.sibelius.MDImporter.score".  That suggests either
>>>  a) Sibelius' importer is buggy OR b) your disk needs repairing, and
>>>  perhaps there are some corrupted files of the type that importer is
>>>  accessing.
>>  I may need to re-install some Sibelius Save fixes ... they are OS X
>>  10.5 specific. I switched back from 10.5 to 10.4.11 to try to escape
>>  my audio card woes ... and noticed Sibelius went bazzerk in the 
>>  logs ...
>While indexing yesterday, I got a kp. Sibelius suggested removing 
>SibeliusScore.mdimporter from its app package. Simple enough. Now no 
>kps due to that, but could feel loss of capability of Spotlight along 
>with this solution.

The kernel panics were not caused by that importer.  Those were 
simple spotlight indexing crashes.  Two separate issues.

Now that you've pulled that importer, it might be worth erasing your 
spotlight index, and letting it rebuild cleanly.  Just be sure that 
while your Mac is rebuilding the index, don't logout or let it sleep. 
heh.  Actually, might be better to just not use it - so you don't kp 
from a video or m-audio problem.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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