----------  Original message  ----------
Subject: Re: iTunes shuffle question
Date:    Dienstag, 8. September 2009N
From:    Bruce Johnson <john...@pharmacy.arizona.edu>
To:      g3-5-list@googlegroups.com

> On Sep 7, 2009, at 12:45 PM, Mac User #330250 wrote:
> >  A web shop (with out proprietary Flash) would be a wiser way to reach
> > the masses.
> No it wouldn't. There aren't many 'masses' that the ITMS is missing ,
> and it's the largest music retailer on the web and one of the largest
> in the world, period.
> The 'masses' have pretty clearly chosen, I would say...

Right you are. The popularity is on the side of iTunes. All you need is a PC 
with Windows or a Mac with Mac OS.

Sorry for my English, it seems to be horrible ('masses').


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