Hubert Feyrer wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Jul 2007, Robert L Cochran wrote:
>> For a laptop, transferring data with COPYDISK over USB 1.1 with 4200 rpm
> ^^^^^^^
> There's your problem. USB1.1 is known to be dog slow.
> - Hubert
Yes. You could take the source disk out of the laptop and connect it to 
a 2.5-to-3.5 IDE drive connector interface (which costs about USD $15 
here in the USA), and then connect that to the motherboard of a desktop 
computer, and then use g4u, but it is ten tons of work and I always have 
trouble finding pin 1 on the interface boards. That would take about 45 
minutes to an hour right there. It is far easier to plug in a USB, 
firewire, or SATA cable connected to an external drive. You can find a 
USB 2.0 or combo USB 2.0/eSATA PC Card (plus an appropriate external 
hard drive) for the laptop if transfer time is really a big issue for 
you. Then run g4u.

Bob Cochran

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