Hi Richard, that'd be great!  The easiest thing for us is a bitbucket pull 
request on a clean fork (with your changes applied) of galaxy-central.


On Jun 21, 2012, at 4:54 PM, Richard Park wrote:

> Hi Dannon,
> Is there a guide or format you need for submitting pull requests? I'd
> like to contribute my API enhancements specifically for importing,
> creating, deleting workflows. I also had a delete library api call,
> but I think that was also added to the galaxy code recently.
> thanks,
> Richard
> On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 3:45 PM, Dannon Baker <dannonba...@me.com> wrote:
>> Richard,
>> For specifying or changing species, you may want to inspect the input via 
>> the API (api/histories/<id>/contents/<id>/)  and snag the "genome_build" 
>> attribute that way.  Or am I missing the issue you're running into?
>> As an aside, I'd love to look at the runtime parameter specification changes 
>> you've made for potential inclusion.  This is a feature I've wanted to add 
>> for some time.
>> Thanks!
>> Dannon
>> On Apr 4, 2012, at 4:17 PM, Richard Park wrote:
>>> Hi Dannon,
>>> Thank for the pointers from before, I have a version of galaxy that is able 
>>> to change runtime parameters through the API when running a workflow.
>>> Format: param=<tool name>=<tool parameter>=<value>
>>> # example execution: (currently changing 2 parameters: 1) bowtie, 
>>> suppressHeader parameter 2) Chip-seq peakcalling, aligner change
>>> python workflow_execute.py api_key http://localhost:8080/api/workflows 
>>> workflow_galaxy_id 'Test API' '69=ld=a799d38679e985db' 
>>> '70=ld=33b43b4e7093c91f' 'param=peakcalling_spp=aligner=arachne' 
>>> 'param=bowtie_wrapper=suppressHeader=True'
>>> However, I was wondering if you had any pointers on how to deal w/ changing 
>>> species or chromosome lengths?
>>> # example workflow: bowtie tool
>>>            "tool_id": "bowtie_wrapper",
>>>            "tool_state": "{\"suppressHeader\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", 
>>> \"refGenomeSource\": \"{\\\"genomeSource\\\": \\\"indexed\\\", 
>>> \\\"index\\\": \\\"dm3\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"__page__\": 
>>> 0, \"chromInfo\": 
>>> \"\\\"/data/home/galaxy/galaxy-dist/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/dm3.len\\\"\",
>>>  \"singlePaired\": \"{\\\"sInput1\\\": null, \\\"sParams\\\": 
>>> {\\\"sMismatchSeed\\\": \\\"2\\\", \\\"sUnmappedFile\\\": \\\"False\\\", 
>>> \\\"sTrimH\\\": \\\"0\\\", \\\"sTrimL\\\": \\\"0\\\", 
>>> \\\"sSuppressAlign\\\": \\\"1\\\", \\\"sSettingsType\\\": \\\"full\\\", 
>>> \\\"sSeed\\\": \\\"-1\\\", \\\"sMismatchQual\\\": \\\"70\\\", 
>>> \\\"sMaqSoapAlign\\\": \\\"-1\\\", \\\"sAlignLimit\\\": \\\"-1\\\", 
>>> \\\"sTryHard\\\": \\\"noTryHard\\\", \\\"sRounding\\\": \\\"round\\\", 
>>> \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1, \\\"sSkip\\\": \\\"0\\\", \\\"sBestOption\\\": 
>>> {\\\"snMaxBacktracks\\\": \\\"125\\\", \\\"sBest\\\": \\\"noBest\\\", 
>>> \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}, \\\"sAllValAligns\\\": 
>>> \\\"noAllValAligns\\\", \!
 \\"sOffrate\\\": \\\"-1\\\", \\\"sSeedLen\\\": \\\"28\\\", \\\"sValAlign\\\": 
\\\"1\\\", \\\"sMaxFile\\\": \\\"False\\\"}, \\\"sPaired\\\": \\\"single\\\", 
\\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\"}",
>>>            "tool_version": "1.1.2",
>>>            "type": "tool",
>>>            "user_outputs": []
>>> Is there a way to configure bowtie in galaxy to use the species 
>>> automatically associated with input file? I am currently having troubles 
>>> dealing w/ parameters that are defined in sub dictionaries defined in the 
>>> tool state. Any general approaches would be appreciated.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Richard
>>> On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 6:32 PM, Dannon Baker <dannonba...@me.com> wrote:
>>>> Richard,
>>>> You're correct in that currently the workflow API affords no method for 
>>>> runtime modification of tool parameters, other than inputs.  Depending on 
>>>> your needs, it might be feasible to have a few static workflows that you 
>>>> reuse often via the workflow API.  If that isn't the case, and you think 
>>>> it'd be likely that you'll want to, say, programmatically modify 
>>>> parameters at runtime based on input data heuristics, then the API does 
>>>> need to be extended.  The first place to look at would be 
>>>> lib/galaxy/web/controllers/workflow.py (run() method), to see the general 
>>>> approach to running workflows and providing parameters in the existing 
>>>> infrastructure.  Then, see the API version at 
>>>> lib/galaxy/web/api/workflows.py (create() method) for a comparison.
>>>> Let me know if you need any help with this at all.  Once it's done, if 
>>>> you're willing, we'd certainly like to merge the changes back in and 
>>>> include the functionality in the base galaxy distribution.
>>>> -Dannon
>>>> On Dec 5, 2011, at 5:10 PM, Richard Park wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I was wondering what would be the best way to extend Galaxy's API
>>>>> functionality to allow for runtime modification of tool parameters?
>>>>> I have successfully been able to run workflows programmatically using
>>>>> the API, following the basic steps in:
>>>>> scripts/api/execute_workflow.py.
>>>>> scripts/api/example_watch_folder.py
>>>>> However, it is unclear to me, what would be the best way to run
>>>>> workflows through API with specific parameters at various steps.
>>>>> Should I generate new workflows for every workflow that requires
>>>>> different parameters and upload this to galaxy? Or would it be better
>>>>> to extend the API to allow for runtime parameter configuration? If
>>>>> this is the case, any pointers on how to extend this would be greatly
>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Richard Park
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