HI josh.

I freely admit my knolidge of apple's business structure is not exact, though even from owning an Iphone I can draw conclusions. I do not say all coorporations are evil, they are simply in pursuit of prophit which, as marx stated is a none moral system from which you cannot derive morality, and what concerns me as a moral objection is A, the practices, B, the denial of freedom, and C, the actual markup gained by distribution services. you are absolutely correct that the internet should! give an easy method for distribution, yet why is it still the case that many audio books (even when unabridged), are five or ten times more than print originals? even when bought digitally. The same goes for music, ultimately prices are jacked up by people because they can, and it is those people, the publishers, distributors and other hangers on whome I, and indeed others do not respect, rather than the individual creators behind books, software, music etc.

Getting this back to games and software however, my point was simply that people's general attitudes to coorporations is a lot worse than that towards individuals. This is a general moral point, look at for example the amount of charities who get your money by appealing not to over all economic figures, but to individual stories of suffering in a given situation.

People empathize with other people, it's a bsic psychological traite.

therefore, if developers, rather than appearing ass! simply a faceless organization show themselves to actually be individuals, there is a proportion of people who will pay for products on that basis.

This is doubly true for the blind community i've found, given that it has in the past been the main game producers, capcom, nintendo, E games etc, who have actively denied access, been unavailable to discuss access etc, while it is individual indi developers (who I will fully agree are on the rise thank goodness), who have been most willing to discuss access matters and create audio games.

As you said yourself, the world is neither black or white, therefore why not give the bennifit of the doubt to at least those people who do! have a sense of individual responsability.

In part this is also a cultural matter, since generally speaking today a "prfessional" immage, tends to mean an impersonal one, thus most people who create games strive for that sort of image, and so probably appear less individual than they actually are.

Beware the Grue!


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