This is one i’ve never heard of. may have to take a look at this one.

Ian McNamara
> On 26 Jan 2015, at 08:52, dark <> wrote:
> Well I was desperate for a bit of exploring, so I tried this one, and sure 
> enough exploring is what I got. 
> The problem I'm finding is a lot of the game systems are pretty complex and 
> rather unforgiving if you got them wrong, for example I bought a handaxe 
> rather than a lumber axe to chop wood and if it wasn't for one particularly 
> kind player I'd have had a good few more wilderness trips than I wanted.
> I do like the need to prepare for journies and the idea of getting skills by 
> what you do is good, also the wilderness is certainly my thing, although the 
> game isn't exactly forgiving, I got killed by a coyote after making the 
> mistake of assuming that training in staffs meant I could take something on, 
> also it took me a while to work out camp fires and I've not yet managed to 
> carve anything halfway decent or lucrative, (actually I am wondering what the 
> heck all those branches are for when I fell trees sinse it seems the only 
> practical good you get is making fires, particularly sinse it seems to be 
> easier to find little wild herbs in the forest than firewood which is very 
> odd), indeed I was just trying to cook the first thing I managed to kill (a 
> fox), when a brigand suddenly walked in, womped me in the chest with his mace 
> and killed me stone dead in one go!
> Actually the combat commands arne't something I've fully got yet, sinse at 
> first it seemed unless I actively typed "kill" or "battle" I wasn't actually 
> attacking at all.
> I also wonder how the herbalism knolidge skill goes, sinse I've been doing 
> loads of foraging for herbs and firewood, but not seeing any sort of skill 
> increase. 
> The game is good, it reminds me of when I started playing wayfare with it's 
> complex wildenress and crafting, and also slower over all combat, though I 
> suspect it won't have the problem wayfare ran into, namely that once you'd 
> setup your colony and were starting to build vehicles and full on sapceships 
> the game became a lot less interesting (or at least it did for me).
> I'm darklenna on there if anyone wants to say hi, though the rp seems very 
> casual thus far.
> All the best, 
> Dark.
> There is always more to know, more to see, more to learn. The world is vast 
> and wondrous strange and there are more things benieth the stars than even 
> the archmaesters of the citadel can dream.
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