Hi Tom

No way Raceway, should come out "the" game, since the wait been so long and 
besides, your right I only started first to get some termenations downs down 
correctly.  Some was kidding around with the figure 8, but was making my 
point as well, that yes, version 1.x  will be a fine game and add ons can 
come later.  Many sport games do this for doing replays of past seasons and 
to build on the game with cool other features.  Thats why, I just want to 
remind you of keeping the programming to a module style, so things like add 
tracks, other types of racing machines.  ONe thing is in your favor when 
developing the game is that your the only one programming it and will, know 
all the ins and outs and keeping a dictionary of the varibles and such with 
a module type of application.  When more then team of programmers are 
developing a project this does become a hamper to be sure all the names for 
the varibles are nameed the same throught the application.  As we see with 
MicroSoft things that has so many problems with security problems is the 
fact that they do put security items in the programming, but its the 
revaribles that creates cracks in application and other errors.  So they 
continue with patches for this and that to fix things and that break things 
cause of varibles that are not static.

the only person  who was duke in by a thinking that by buy an additional 
copy of Raceway, was taking it by faith, that Mr North was good enough for 
his word.  Not going to hash old trash talk here, that is not constructive. 
as I and and others do or had investment in Raceway  at least should be the 
first to get a crack at the game first.  These gamers as myself has been 
waiting for our ride for a long time.  I can not remember if you did or did 
not get an listing of those who preorder the game from Nr North and that if 
did that can help you in doing something special for them.  Those who di are 
very grateful for you in stepping up to the plate and taking on someone's 
elses promis.  Not many would and thats a very noble thing.

Time and money is everything and not to say the work put into it is hard or 
fun or both.  Hard work is fun if you like hard work.
Tom you must love the work and it must be hard, not only just programming 
accessible games but being a MOd for a pretty hi traffic email list.  By the 
fact you care so much about the blind gamers that it looks to be a passion 
for you.  So, I have no dout the products you will create will not be fluff 
in a box, but a product that will have meat on its bones.  Games that are 
replayable, aceesible and challengeing.
When I was youger I played many games now that I am older I select a few 
games that keep me iinterested.  That being my own work and play.  Creating 
Jaws configs for the Strat-o-matic sport games and able to be involved in a 
baseball drat league, I being the only blind person in such a league, takes 
most of my time, while developing other projects.

What about Raceway?
Well, I not only put my money into developing a "Nascar" game  I feeling 
that adding my input into the subject is one of those side projects.  So, 
while we all have projects, we try to keep the road clear for the number 1 
project.  For you being Motny, for me to playing baseball in a league with 
two teams, thanks to the league commissioner, I feel that I have to show 
that the blind can be in an email league with those who have vision.  To 
able to keep up and get games in on time.  Life would be easier if I only 
had one team, but having both Chicago teams in a league does show yes I can 
even handle two teams.  So life is harder but sweeter having my beloved Cubs 
and White Sox teams to manage.

It won't be long now.  Just think ahead will less and less updates about 
Monty is posted  and more and more Raceway news.  Oh, boy!, So, I and other 
will be tuning up and tuning in.  the expectation of knowing that just more 
email about the developing of Raceway is a year a way gets me all Revved . 

Credit to you and those who invested in this dream should get there name in 
the credits for Raceway for keeping the game alive this long.
I would love to get a credit inserted in the game if I am able to by either 
suggestions, testing, financeing the game.  I do what I can to support the 
blind comunity in giving tech help, create my Jaws configs for Strat, dong 
my blind accesible pools,  broadcasting and financeing causes like yours and 
Once Monty is a resale item and should help with the cost of Raceway's 
development.  So, build the dammist best Monty game you can so that is a 
nice huck of change for Raceway.
Once I see MOnty is bug free when it is released I will add my donation to 
Raceway and get the Monty game.  I would be doing the same with fPhils new 
game, but seeing some trouble on the list, had to hold my horses before 
getting the Sarah game.
And there we are agin around the track of create games that will be a grat 
game to play and error free.  So with all this said, I'll head for the pits.

Just remember that we are all cheering for you and pulling for you when 
things tend to go into the wall.
We are behind you, drafting maybe a little to close at times, looking down 
your tail pipe, Smiles, just keep up the good work.
God Bless your family and yourself.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2007 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Raceway was Montezuma's Revenge

> Hi Gary,
> I extremely value your opinions. That said I don't know how much of what
> you will tell me will make it to 1.0 release. Things like track editors,
> multiplayer racing, etc are all cool, and I am not against them. I am
> however bound by getting this production out in a timely manner and many
> of the things you mention would add to the time in development as well
> as additional time in researching various docs on how to add track
> editors. However, I am open to the idea of having an initial release and
> then building on to it as you said by adding rtracks, different types of
> racing, editors, network play, later on as the game grows and I have the
> cash to put better workmanship into the game.
> The sad thing here is that James North took all the preorders for this
> title, kept the cash for it, and so I am doing this all with personal
> funding and no outside funding.
> You can be sure I want to do my best on making this game, but I need to
> make some cash on it before I really throw myself on the project and add
> all the bels and wistles out there that can be done.
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