Hi Bryan,
I think you will discover once you get some skill with Python you won't 
even touch Autoit again. My dislike for Autoit is both well known and 
legendary. Mainly because it is pretty useless after you learn it.
Python on the other hand has been used to write screen readers like Orca 
for Linux, NVDA for Windows, used to write TV Now for Linux, games like 
Sound RTS, etc... Basically it is nearly limitless in the kinds of apps 
you can right given skill to do so. You may start out writing simple 
apps to copy files from place to place on your hard drive but in a year 
or two think about what you might be programming with Python since you 
got more skill in it.

Bryan Mckinnish wrote:
> Hi.
> I hope I can learn Python pritty good.
> Thanks Robbin for that info. about the url.
> THere are 2 reasons why I'm switching from autoit to python.
> One, they're cnanging a lot of the functions I'm used to using in the next 
> update, and 2 everyone I sent autoit programs 2 or has used any software 
> made in autoit that uses avg says that avg deletes all of the files to do 
> with that autoit program.
> Also, I can make cross platform games from windows to lynux and mac as well 
> if I learn python.
> Yay!
> I'll still probably play with autoit, but use python as my primary 
> programming language.
> Bryan Mckinnish

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