In england as well for many years, ---- hence some of the hempen rope pirate 
references in books like treasure island, and the pirate song in Peter pan:

Yoho Yoho, a pirate life, a flag of skull and bones!

a merry hour, a hempen rope and hay for Davy Jones.

Many platformers had a thing about climbing and swinging on ropes and vines 
though, ---- even in the sand crawler level on super starwars for example.

If we are having swinging ropes, does that me more platforming puzles?

And also there's then the fun of areal enemies such as bats or hanging 
spikes to be encountered while on the rope.

One of my favourite old amstrad cpc platformers, ---- rowland on the ropes, 
even had falling scorpions which would drop on your head on one side of the 
rope or the other, so you had to make certain which side of the rope you 
were climbing up.

Beware the Grue!


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