Hi Josh,
Chill out, dude. I don't see this as a major crisis, and neither should 
you. They were in there legal rights to ask me to change the name of my 
game. I decided on my own if I have to drop the name I might as well 
pull the levels too, and rework the game with a new theme and back story.
When it is done you should still be able to gather gems, gold coins, 
fight big ugly spiders, slithery snakes, and some kind of undead 
creature or creatures. As I see it changing it to be a little more 
modern is not a bad thing.
For example, while the vanishing platforms were in the original game 
that is kind of weird to find in an ancient temple. I might be able to 
rework the game to have more realistic traps and pitfalls. Another thing 
is the warp platforms are sort of weird to. I'd rather just have doors, 
secret passages, and maybe trap doors to take you where you want to go. 
Are you seeing it my way?

josh wrote:
> this country is communist if they think they can force a developer to change 
> his or her ideas and games like that! this really makes me mad! spending 
> months to redesign your game due to a stupid copyright? I would have blocked 
> the bastard's email address and then I would have put a link on my website 
> stating something like...
> if you are blind, which means your eyes do not work at all, you have had 
> your eyes surgically removed, or you vision is that bad you have to read 
> large print then enter my site. sounds crazy but maybe that's what it takes 
> to get through to greedy money hungry sighted people? stupid idiots! that's 
> my opinion of'em! if I were a dev I would have said I'll change my game when 
> mainstream developers realise that us blind people want and demand equal 
> accessibility to your playstations and x-boxes!

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