Hi Thomas,

Oh, that's cool that VB 2008 will compile and produce a distributable 
executable file from your project.  Thank you for clearing that up.  Maybe it 
was the free express 2005 that could not.  I know that it was stated that one 
of the free express versions could not.

As far as the rest, I guess that we will have to agree to disagree.  I have 
never felt the need to have the newest, latest so called best as it is often 
not.  You know like most will agree that M E was a dog as well as Vista.  And 
yes I feel that one should take responsibility for running their computer.  I 
mean in the twenty eight years that I have been running PCs I have never let 
one of them get infected with a virus and it has not been big Microsoft that 
has protected me as it can not.  I'm sure that people had, hacked, cracked and 
smacked Vista before it even hit the shelves.  I have also never had to 
reformat a hard drive or reinstall an operating system.  When things are 
working well for me I do not tinker with them until they are not.

There is also the thing that besides not wanting to I do not have the finances 
to keep up with the newest stuff out there.  So I put out the best that I can 
and that is all that I can do.

You and I code totally differently.  I'm sure see allot of things differently 
as well.  Probably because you have been educated and I have not.  You know you 
like to code to industry standards and I like to code how I know works and as 
simple as possible.  The only reason to code to industry standards is so that 
when they replace you someone else can take your job and understand and modify 
the code.  I don't plan for anyone else to try to modify my code so as long as 
it works, I understand it and can modify it, it works for me and apparently 
others that love and play my games.


----- Original Message -----
Hi Jim,

Isn't Visual Basic 2008 the whole object oriented thing and not at all 
like the Basic
languages that one might be used to and love to use?
End quote

If you are asking if Visual Basic 2008 is object oriented rather than 
procedural programming that is correct. It is very rare now days to find 
a programming language that does not in some way use object oriented 
design and techniques. It is the foundation of modern programming 
design, and there is several very good reasons why programmers have 
migrated to an object oriented design mottle.
That said Visual Basic 2008 is not totally different from what you know 
and love. For example, a simple print message sub would look like this.

' VB 2008 print message sub.
Public Sub PrintMessage(message As String)
TextBox1,.Text = message
End Sub

So with your current knowledge of Visual Basic 6 you already know most 
of the basic things like creating subs, if statements, loops, bla. All 
you would have to learn is how to use the .Net Framework which is the 
foundation of Visual Basic 2008, and to design your programs with a 
object oriented mottle in mind. Since you have been totally a procedural 
programmer you might have a bit of a tougher time adapting to the new 
concepts than someone coming at this totally fresh. However, you do have 
the advantage of knowing how to design an if statement so that would 
certainly aid someone like you in getting up to speed.

  Didn't you also once say that
one can not compile and distribute the executable file with it?
End quote

No, I did not. With Visual Basic Express 2008, which is free, you can 
certainly build and redistribute fully working executable and *library 
files. The only major diference between Visual Basic Express and Visual 
Basic Pro that would concern us is that the Pro versions of Visual Basic 
2008 come with Microsoft Setup Installer, Dotfuscator, Microsoft Source 
Safe, Microsoft SQL Pro, etc. Most of that you wouldn't probably even 
miss though the tools are pretty handy to work with if you have them.

Who cares if VB6 is 98 era if it still works and really no one playing 
the game would
ever know the difference.
End quote

Well, to be honest this has been an issue you and I have never agreed 
upon, and perhaps never will. The problem lies in the fact that there 
are personal reasons as well as technical ones behind our opinions here. 
This dramatically influences how we think and feel about a topic like this.
Your general opinion of technology changes has been a view of "who cares 
if the old still works." The problem I personally find with the "who 
cares" opinion is you are really talking about your own personal opinion 
and not an opinion of the blind gaming community as a whole. I am sure 
there are plenty of blind gamers on this list that share your opinion 
and are quite satisfied using Jaws 4.02, Visual Basic 6, Windows XP, 
etc. However, there is also others on the list, such as myself, who want 
to move on and take advantage of the new technologies out there for us. 
Weather you agree or not Visual Basic 6 is at the end of its life cycle 
and mainstream companies are migrating away from its use, and new 
technologies such as Visual Basic 2008 is replacing it which are more 
compatible for Windows Vista and beyond.
Many blind gamers are moving on, such as myself, and I find myself 
frustrated by your general opinions of the newer technologies. For 
example, Windows Vista comes with much tighter security policies in 
place over Windows XP, and one of these features is user account 
control. It so happens that there are several accessible games that 
conflict with user account control. I know many blind gamers that simply 
disable user account control management so their games will run 
correctly as under XP. As a developer myself I feel forcing a user to 
disable his or her security to play a game is definitly the wrong way to 
go about solving the problem. It makes the end users system less secure, 
and it doesn't really solve the problem. It would be better if the 
programmer takes it upon him or herself and bring his/her programs up to 
technical specifications rather than simply ignoring the problem.
In my personal case I decided I wanted user account control to remain 
enabled because I want that extra layer of security Vista provides. In 
addition I increased my security setting to run as standard user, rather 
than admin, and my Vista machine is very security conscious. More so 
than I suspect than your own setup is. SO I had to find a work around 
for games like yours that weren't really up to tech specs for Vista. I 
discovered after trile and error that by installing them to my user\home 
directory that they worked just fine with user account control though I 
would have prefered you had addressed and corrected the reasons they 
were crashing on my system.
Now, as a developer myself I understand what you are thinking here. I 
chose to increase the system security, I chose to use user account 
control, I chose to upgrade, bla. In short you are likely thinking it is 
all my fault that your games aren't working correctly, because you wrote 
them the way you did for your needs. Looking at it from that angle it is 
all completely true.
However, there is the other side of the coin where I am coming from that 
says I should have the freedom to have maximum security and safety on my 
computer, be running whatever version of Windows I like, and be able to 
run your games without having to come up with work arounds just because 
they don't meet industry technical standards. There isn't a right or 
wrong answer to this one, but in my opinion it is always better to meet 
technical standards so you are ready for these kinds of issues when they 
come up.

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