Well,, I seen a some what interesting ways to get around this matter.

I feeling that if you can make the close to the real name. And have the game able to edit these fields, that the game who wants to have the realism, that it work take a little effort of the gamer to correct the names.

Let's say we have Jeff Gordon.
You could let it be   Skids Gordan.
Those who would know its really Jeff that should be the nick name of Skids can change it to Jeff on their own.
Or If  the game knows his car number.
YOu could  have the info as
#23 JG.
Or even if the gamer don't know that is, you could have a link in your documents to a web site, that the gamer could fetch the info and then edit.

I even seen the name just have a character replace one of the letters in the name like:

Jeff Go%dan

It looks like that its have to do with using the full name inside games that the licenses justpertain. And as long as the game has an editoring the copyrights can not touch the game since it is not sold with the exactly names of persons or products.

This would fall in the same thing with sponsors.
If a team is sponsor by "Tide".
The same things above could be used as in "Tiddy Soap"
Gamers may guess this must be "Tide".
But if they don't I feel that what every the sponsorship is nameed, it don't have to be the real product, but some thing that may souond like is alright or not.
If The game is good this would be a meer point.
But allowing the gamer to change it to any thing what , being a actually product or a made up one should be part of the game features.

And since you will be using a computer voice for the track announcer,, it allows room for a editor in the game.

Last thing in considering in your programming for future feautes in the game. Since a computer voice will be dong the play by play "PBP", this also leaves room for adding more PBP in the future. I feel more variety in the PBP is a big plus to the blind gamer. And when ever updateing the version to the game, could include new PBP.

To end this email before it gets to long.
I will describe the methond of how Strat-o-matic uses a text file to grab randomly PBP for certain trigger effects.

I will describe this in baseball terms and this could be implyed in a race.

Ok, the situation is no outs no one on base.
A situation like this would get a code of 00.
Next is what happen in the game.  A hit or strike out.
Let say it was a strike out. This would gvie us a game result code say "K".
Now we have a combine code of 00K. The game will now need to look for this code in the PBP file. The 00K will be put at the beginning of a line. And you may have a dozen ways to say how the batter strike out. This is the key to get variety in the PBP. In each of the lines that has starts 00K, you would have a number say 80. This number would be a percentage. The game would generate a random numberbetween 1 to 100. If the number fall within 80, the PBP is used. Else, the game would look for a higher percentage number in on of the 00K. In effect some phrase are common and its these types that get high percentages. So for a rare PBP, as in the batter swung at a ball that hit the ground before getting to the catcher's mit. Rare PBP would have a low percentage. Add to this the time for the game to look for a PBP and another random number of times to choose a PBP, the rare PBP will be just that. And finally, in the PBP using variables for the batter's and pitcher's names, will add the variety to even common PBP phrases. Then having the computer to read the information either will a buffer or posting the PBP right on the screen.

IN fact, this Is who Strat does its 1000's lines of PBP and I just use Jaws to read the PBP when it scrolls. A Jaws small script does this very well and no added programming would be need to incorperate a specail computer voice. If a text reader can handle some PBP from time during a race, would cut down on the programming to the same thing a text reader could do. But if total realism is what the gamer wants , Jaws can swith over to a better sonding announcer as well. Smiles, these are just my thought on name and using the names in a PBP system with some varity and able to use ones own text reader.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Ward" <thomasward1...@gmail.com>
To: <gamers@audyssey.org>
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 8:24 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Raceway Thoughts

Hi all,
I've had some time on my hands tonight so I decided to put in some time on Raceway. You know, that cool racing game that has been talked about for years and years, and never seams to apppear? That's the one alright.

Anyway, while working on, tinkering with, the half completed demo I thought how nice it would be if the game mirrored an actual Nascar season. Like where you could actually select a real Nascar driver like Tony Stewart, Mark Martin, Jeff Gordon, etc and play his season virtually. One major advantage with is that I wouldn't have to make up a bunch of dummy information. All of the tracks and cars could be created to realistic specifications. Obviously by using real life drivers and sponsors here I don't have to make up names, and could use drivers and sponsors true Nascar fans would identify with. The disadvantage I see here is copyright issues, and the game would be inflexable when it comes to customization since by selecting a driver the game would default to the driver's car and sponsor.

As the game currently stands you pick a generic name like Tony, Roger, Bill, John, Jeff, whatever which is impersonal and avoids all copyright issues. Sponsors are basically a bunch of made up names like Burger Palace, USA Electronics, Computer World, and other made up names. Diddo for the tracks. Bottom line in order to avoid copyrights the game is rather generic, but it does give you the maximum flexability. This way you can select a generic name, the type of car, and select your sponsor.

I guess the point of this message is do you, as gamers, want this game to be as realistic as possible, or would you rather it to be somewhat generic when it comes to drivers, make and mottles of cars, tracks, etc. Either way the basic concept of the game will be the same, but I can make it fairly detailed or I can flush out any and all copyrighted mnames or trade marks. Which do you prefer?


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