Hi Muhammed,
Well, from a geometric point of view there is a considerable
difference between 2d and 3d. The best way to think of this is what's
the difference between a 2d shape like a square and a 3d shape like a
Well, a square only has four sides. It has a left, right, top, and
bottom side. However, it is completely flat.
A cube on the other hand has a total of six sides. It has a left,
right, front, back, top, and a bottom side. Therefore it is a true 3d
When we talk about 2d verses 3d with a game like MOTA we are talking
about how the level is presented. a 2d room only has two walls, a
floor and a celing, and therefore only has four possible directions of
movement like left, right, up, or down. A 3d room however is a cube
with four walls, a floor, and a celing and offers six major directions
of movement like left, right, forward, backward, up, or down plus
everything in between. Since the real world happens to be in 3d a game
that uses 3d levels would obviously be more natural for a gamer and be
much more realistic. It allows for a lot more possibilities not only
in movement but in drawing the levels more like they would be in real
life. Does that make sense?


On 6/24/10, Muhammed Deniz <muhamme...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> What's the difference between 2d and 3d?

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