well a game like that would rock.
I wouldn't mind something like that.
At 11:17 p.m. 29/04/2011, you wrote:
Heck, I remember amigar workbench came with it's own tts and voice back in the very early 90's, and often this was used by amigar developers to add a litle extra atmosphere to their games.

there was for instance a public domain space war game called war, which mixed real time spaceship flying stratogy when you fought the enemy, with economic resource management and a litle military map stratogy thrown in.

Actually it was quite cool spending money on developing your fleet than physically flying it into battle and dodging your opponents fire, ---- it'd probably make a pretty cool audiogame.

The thing that always amused me though, was that all text messages and turn reports were spoken by the very sarcastic, and not good quality amigar work bench tts voice.

It was actually rather amusing when playing against the computer and you got an emotionless voice saying "the human fleet has been destroyed, ---- I am so sad I think I will commit suicide"

or "I think your joystick is made of concrete" as well as lots of other amusing commentss, --- -actually the badness of the synth voice made them funnier.

Anyway, that game must've been around 1991 or 92, but the screen reading tech was there.

About Hal's Early history and when versions came out i really don't know, sinse I first used a laptop with hal 3.1 and windows 3 in about 1994 at school at the age of 12, but obviously sinse that was Hal version 3, there were previous ones.

In fact dolphin are celibrating their 25th aniversary at the moment so presumably they started in 1986!

Beware the grue!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Ward" <thomasward1...@gmail.com>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] The importance of patronage

Hi Shaun,

Oh, was it now? I hate to burst your bubble, but Jaws was not the
first screen reader. Just the only one to gain national attention and
claimed they were the first and only one for the blind. this is
exactly the kind of ignorance BSVI and other agencies promote.

For instance, when Windows 3.0/3.1 came out Slimware managed to put
out Windowbridge before Jaws For Windows did. However, the state
agencies were still buying Jaws for Dos since apparently ASAP,
Vocal-Eyes, Dosbridge, etc didn't matter. When Jaws for Windows came
out the state agencies rushed to snap it up even though there was
another screen reader available for Windows at that time which was a
good year or two further along in development.. If we go back to dos
we can see similar things. There were other solutions available before
Jaws for Dos, but it really was the best speech access solution at the
time and that's why BSVI switched  and other agencies started buying
it. That's not true any more though.

To give you an example of what I mean. Before I lost my vision I can
remember using an Apple II-E with an Echovox which was out before
Jaws. Granted the thing was a piece of crap, I'm not denying that, but
the fact still remains speech access for the blind was there years
before JFD was on the scene so to speak.

On 4/29/11, shaun everiss <sm.ever...@gmail.com> wrote:
well It was for a while.
Just like norton was the best software.
But it all went down hill sort of.
No one is the best now in this reguard.
all readers have the same features.
jaws has been round the longest and is recognised and recomended by
most orgs and others as the standard which it is because it was the first.
I should mention that I am extremely bias having only met about 3
others like myself in my life well 5.
All of these bar 1 were in not the best situations.
Though its fair to say the org I run with is still quite good, it has
shifted some what from the old days but then everything has to shift
and I can't really blame it.
Its still not like the rnib but then its all  opinion and I have
never got anything from them bar books.
I have just had bad experiencees with various agencies in the past so
I am more to the against point of view than for.

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