Hi Tom.
well it's quite fun on those rather silly governmental forms that ask
religion I can put "all of the above"
though in fairness that's much guide, sinse I also insist on writing my race
as caucasian Keltic sinse I refuse to be called white (chalk is white, flour
is white, I am sort of a creamy bage colour).
Anyway leaving hthat aside I deffinately agree on the religious point.
A rather nice Hindu proverb says that God is like the moon, is so large that
he/she/it can be seen by people who might be thousands of miles distant.
This is of course not saying that every religion is right, that would be
both stupid and also potentially dangerous, just that there are some amazing
comonalities and beliefs in goodness, just as unfortunately every single
religion has had it's zealots or crusades.
I'd actually say that the route of all evil isn't money, or even the love of
money, but human's ability to form groups. Stick five people on a desert
island and they'd be fine. However stick four on an island, then stick a
fifth on two days later and guess who'd be for dinner :D.
this is als why I do not believe in nationalism and reffuse to stand for my
country's national anthem, but before this gets too political or ethical I'd
probably better stop.
Beware the grue!
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