Hi tom.

I know just what you mean sinse the same thing has been done with Zero in Capcom's mega man series, though if anything the excuses there are even more pathetic.

In Mega man x 1, zero dies to destroy vile, one of the most unpleasant enemies in the game.

X2 concerns a plot by several maveric's to rebuild zero and turn him against x, ---- well fair enough, he is a robot afterall, and the fight against zero is pretty cool.

So then Zero is back and is indeed playable in mega man x 3 and 4, where it's revealed he is actually the source of the maveric virus that sends robots insane.

the series however was supposed to end with mega man x5, when all robots on earth have been turned maveric thanks to a crashing space colony spreading the virus all over the world.

In a very cool plot twist zero gets reverted to his original virus state, but then gives up his life to finally destroy sigma and rid the world of the virus once and for all.

Actually it's a pretty awsome scene all around. Creator of the series Inafune said things were supposed to end there, with zero eventually being rebuild 102 years in the future to find tat the utopian society his sacrifice created has become a corrupt dictatorship.

However guess what, capcom wanted more x series games, so along comes mega man x 6 in which zero, ----- repared himself! yes repared! himself!

The fact that he's the carrier of the virus is never mentioned again, and he's just in the game as a playable character.

At the end of x6, Zero seals himself away for 102 years to go through a diagnostic to ridd himself of the virus, however guess what, in Mega man x 7, ---- there he is!

Capcom have said that the ending of mega man x 6 doesn't actually take place at the end of the game but apparently at some point in the future, though being as there is a lot of back story to the zero series that has to happen in betwene, and the rather pathetic new character axl and his plot about robots containing copy dna seems to have replaced the imho far cooler and original virus plot line, when exactly these events or even zero's 102 year sleep happen is anyone's guess.

At least with x8 the main villain of the series, Sigma, who came back every game for some rather odd reason has finally bit the biscuit, though it wouldn't surprise me if capcom bring him back once again in some sort of similarly lame trick.

By a rather ironic twist though, sinse after mega man x6 the series went into 3D and thus became unplayable for me, the 102 year ending happening at the end of x6 for me does! fit in quite nicely with the mega man zero series :D.

Beware the grue!


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