Agreed Tom, that raising villain plot really can only go so far.

That's actually one of the reasons I'm sorry i can't play the current mega man and mega man x games, sinse in the X series, Sigma has actually been perminantly killed off in mega man x 8, while the classic series games have just introduced the virus into the games and seem to be leading up to the final death of wily and the introduction of the Mavaric virus.

One of the things I always appreciate in a story, weather with a game or series or anything else is being able to move it on and having plots end rather than just doing the same thing over and over again.

Look at star trek ds9 where they decided to actually introduce on going story with the dominion war which of course eventually comes to a final end, or babylon 5 which does this even more so.

this has actually been one of my complaints with the recent Dr. who, they no longer seem to considder what the various races such as the daleks are doing progressively through time and just pull them in to be villain of the week.

Beware the grue!

----- Original Mes

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