Hi Dark,

Well, like I've said before there isn't much use in upgrading if it doesn't offer anything new for you personally. However, I am someone who likes to be on the bleeding edge, try new things, and I've always enjoyed staying up to date when and where possible. So that's largely where I'm coming from. Although, upgrading isn't necessarily always better for everyone, and we all have different preferences. I realize that as much as the next guy. My basic point isn't that you need to upgrade, or that you shouldn't use your own preferences in upgrading. Obviously, you should do what works for you at the moment, but you should be prepared to change if and when it becomes a necessity.

For example, you've got a laptop running XP, it does everything you want it to do, so don't need to upgrade right now. However, lets say you have some serious hardware failure and that laptop dies. What will you do? Will you go on Ebay and buy a used laptop just to get another XP machine, or will you go to your favorite computer store and buy a new laptop with Win 7?

The point being that change is inevitable. Yeah, there may not be a pressing need to upgrade right now, and you might not have to for several years. Sooner or later you'll probably have to buy a new laptop or desktop running Windows 7, Windows 8, or later on it to replace your older hardware and software. That's basically all I'm saying.

As far as your opinion that desktops will stay and laptops will be a thing of the past in favor of hand-helds I personally disagree. One reason for that is that netbooks are very popular right now. Last year more netbooks were sold than desktops, and for good reason. They are smaller, lighter, more portible and more like the hand-held devices like tablet PCs I was talking about. Plus most laptops are as good as their desktop counterparts.

For example, I got a Toshiba last October. Even though this isn't a high-end model it has a full sized keyboard, 17 inch display, DVD reader/writer, a duel core 2 GHZ 64-bit processor, 3 GB of ram, a 3d graphics card, etc. Basically, its specs are similar to the average desktop available at the same time I purchased my laptop. Plus the price on laptops have come way down and aren't any more than a desktop PC.

So when I look at it I'm not at all sure the average consumer is willing to go out and buy a desktop PC when a laptop can do the same thing, costs about the same, and is smaller and easier to store. As you know I often do tech support on the side and what I've been seeing is mostly laptops for the last couple of years. Desktop sales have fallen here in the united states and I think the figures pretty much speak for themselves that desktops are more likely to be a thing of the past before laptops and netbooks.

As a matter of fact I just helped a neighbor with her new laptop a couple of weeks ago. She got a new H.P. laptop and wireless printer and I had to help her get her printer working. As we were working I made a comment to the effect her new laptop was really light. She replied that she use to have one of those big desktops, it was too big for her apartment, so her and her husband decided to buy a small computer so she could put it away when she wasn't using it. She likes her laptop a lot better than the big desktop.

Since my apartment is small, and I don't have room for a desktop either obviously size really does matter in certain cases. More and more people like this neighbor and myself are using laptops because we don't have to deal with a tower, big monitor, external keyboard, mouse, scanner, printer, etc all sitting on a desk taking up room. A laptop is very compact with the keyboard, mouse, and monitor all in one, and can be folded up and stored in a desk drawer when not being used. Like hand-helds laptops are more convenient than desktops and I believe it makes them more commercially viable for the average consumer.


On 3/13/2012 9:13 AM, dark wrote:
I agree tom, prophiteering capitalist scumbags run things unfortunately.

Myself however I disagree with your philosophy of "get it and get used to it" as I've said before, windows 7 would stop! me doing more stuff, so why should I use it?

I use a parrot voice mate, which is one of the finest hand held personal organizers I've ever found, and great for phone numbers, voice notes etc. Should I stop using it becuase the firm that make them have gone bust? Heck no!

of course, if I replace my laptop with an Iphone with voiceover, I'll probably no longer need the parrot voicemate, sinse the Iphone will do most of those functions, but sinse I currently just use a phone that is just a phone, and does nothing fancy, ---- and would cost a lot of money to get a speech synth for it, I'll stick with the voicemate because it works for what I want.

I don't really see why i should get used to doing something just because it is the latest thing and I'll have to change eventually, ---- indeed I'll probably try and keep my desktop going as long as possible and change only if it looks like a better option is available with a newer system.

Btw, I agree about hand helds taking over, however I don't think the desktop pc will be quite gone, simply because of the amount of people who (like myself), use it as a general multimedia device.

i use my pc for watching films, laying games etc, on a decent sized screen connected to a set of speakers, and that is one use that the hand held would never fill simply because the idea of connecting a hand held to a home cinema system or full sized screen is a bit ridiculous.

I think laptops will be a thing of the past, but the desktop I still see as staying around exactly for this reason, even if the ui does irritatingly change.

Beware the Grue!


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