Quite a unique view Dennis, though to be honest to me what I find interesting about any culture that is not my own is not necessarily the basic facts of who killed who for what, but things like different beliefs or ideas.

As I said, this is why i found the history of medicine such a fascinating subject to study, sinse instead of just dealing with who ruled over which bit of rock and how they clobbered anyone living on another bit of rock, it actually dealt with the way people thought about the world around them.

Indeed, many universities in britain, as opposed to Philosophy teach a separate course called history of ideas which is exactly what it sounds like, ---- though the extent it covers ideas of specific peoples rather than the ideas developed from the diciplin of didactic philosophy originally begun in ancient griece I'm not sure.

So, to me it is far more interesting why! a war like the first world war happened and what people were thinking at the time, than the basic mechanics of how, and on this basis I do think studdying the history of just about any people, even small groups is probably worth while.

Of course, this isn't to say anything ridiculous like everyone is right! sinse ethics is quite another matter entirely and there are plenty of practices that just about every people in history have thought were fine that any reasonable person would have an issue with, however a considderable amount of human history also comes down to ignorants of people's ideas as well as beliefs in superiority, ---- and looking at the way a lot of western society is going, this is something that we really need to think about at the moment before we prove Aldous huxly right, and the way to start doing that is! considdering other perspectives, people's reasons for doing what they do etc.

For example, take the practice of arranged mariage.

Like a lot of people, I pretty much assumed this was a completely exploitative and self centered practice in which people (especially women), were forced into relationships against their will, with people they utterly disliked often for financial or social gain.

Yet, when i questioned a friend of mine who was a soophi muslim (actually an Iraqi), I found her perspective utterly different.

According to my friend, "arranged" is really the wrong word to use, sinse it would still begin with a boy and girl meeting and becoming attracted. once however they decided to get married, their respective parents would get together and decide what the two partners were like, what their interests were, whether they would get on etc.

After that point, the couple would live together (though not sleep together), for several months before getting married. During this time both families would be around, and if there was an arguement or a major issue, would attempt to help the couple in resolving it.

After that time, the couple would then get married.

So, according to my friend, "arranged" meant more assisted and aided by both families, than "you will marry someone whether you liek it or not!"

Yes, there are times it doesn't work, when say parents were! unscrupulous. However equally, there are plenty of mariages in Western society that involve spousal abuse, coercion and other such evils, and considdering how many people get married at the drop of a hat, are left alone and then regret it later, this doesn't seem quite the evil system of exploitation I thought it was.

This is exactly what I mean about understanding a little more about different cultures and ideas, sinse it's easy to dismiss anyone who doesn't think the same way you do as "wrong" or "primative" or whatever, when in fact there might be perfectly good reasons behind their actions, and something worth learning.

Beware the grue!


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